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A few days later:

It's a text from Macy!
Macyyy💜: hey ready to go?
Sadie: yeah! Be here in 2 mins?
Macyyy💜: You know it!

I'm done getting ready! The reason why is because I'm going to the mall with Macy to get Jacob a birthday gift because his birthday is literally in a week!

I open the door to see Macy!
Macy: hey
Sadie: hey let's go!
Macy: k

I go get my bike and me and Macy get to the front of our driveway. All of a sudden we see Jacob walking down the street! Oh no! What do I tell him that we are doing? I'll just act normal.

Jacob: heyy! Where you going??
Sadie: just to the mall with Macy. You?
Jacob: well I was coming to your house to kind of surprise you! But.. I guess that didn't work out..
Sadie: Aw, omg Jacob you are literally the best boyfriend ever! You wanted to surprise me? How sweet! I'm sorry it didn't work out..

Then I kiss him on the cheek and hug him.

Sadie: we will be back soon, then we can hang out. K?
Jacob: sounds good to me!
Sadie: alright, bye Jake!
Jacob: bye Sade!

At the mall:
Macy: where do you wanna look first?
Sadie: I don't want to take too long, and have Jacob waiting so let's go to one or two stores. I know I'll for sure find something at Hollister.. Let's go there!

I look around at the sweatshirts because I know Jacob loves them!

Omg I found the PERFECT ONEEE! He's gonna love it!

It's a darkish blue sweatshirt with some orange, green and white lettering.

I go up to the register and pay. Then I ask them to wrap it for me, since I did a terrible job at that!

I then put the gift in my purse, so that Jacob wouldn't see it.

Macy and I head to Jacob's.
Jacob: hey! You're finally back! I missed more then you think!
Sadie: aw, I missed you too!
Macy: ok I get it, you two are so "in love" let's just go inside
Sadie: someone doesn't know anything about relationships!
Jacob: yeah!
Macy: ummm stop lying I-I know TONS!
Jacob: yeah sure
Sadie: can we go swimming?
"YEAH!" They both said in unison.

At the pool:

Sadie's POV:
Sadie: Hey Jacob do you want to invite anyone so we aren't as bored?
Jacob: is it ok if I invite Joseph?
Sadie: yep

Joseph came over, and when he did Macy ran over to me and whispered, "Why is he here?"

Sadie: Jacob invited him
Macy: oh
Sadie: why.. What's wrong?
Macy: don't tell Jacob when I tell you this
Sadie: ok
Macy: I kinda have a crush on him.. I mean he is pretty cute
Sadie: Omg you have a crush on him!
Macy: yeah now hush

Macy and I walked over to the table where Jacob and Joseph were. They then stared at us and then looked at each other with a suspicious face. They are thinking of pushing us in? Well they won't cause I'll jump in first!

I ran to the pool, and stood over the edge, about to jump in, and then I feel two hands out force behind me. Next thing you know I'm underwater. Then Jacob jumps in.

Sadie: Jacob!
Jacob: what?
Sadie: I hate you!
Jacob: actually you love me!
He smirks.
Sadie: yes I do but I hate you for that
Jacob: haha I knew it

Then I hear a splash!

Macy's POV:
Oh did I like Joseph! Now that Jacob was with Sadie, I could be with Joseph. He pushes me in. While we are underwater, he smirks at me.

Joseph: got you!
Macy: no

I then splashed at him.
He splashed back.
I guess we did that too many times cause then I heard Jacob's voice.

Jacob: get over here you two love birds!
Joseph: what? no!
Macy: uh yeah...
Joseph: wait what
Macy: oops.. I guess I should tell you
Joseph: what?
Macy: I like you..
Joseph: I like you too, I had a crush on you ever since the first grade
Macy: really?
Joseph: yeah
Jacob: just get over here!
Sadie: don't be so bossy let them talk

Joseph and I came to them.

Jacob: how about we have a sleepover @ my house?
Sadie, Macy, Joseph: sounds good to me
Jacob: great! We can watch movies!

I met this boy..//A Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now