Together again

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Sadie's POV:
I see a vision of Macy and I shopping for Jacob's gift. When was that? Then I see that I had put it in my closet so that he wouldn't see it.

Zzzzz... I wake up to the sound of Jacob snoring. Omg it's so adorable! I knew we had to leave today, so I had to go home and pack. I carefully get out of Jacob's arms, and surprisingly get out without waking him up. I gather my things, and head out.

Sadie's house:
When I get home, everyone is already downstairs.
Mom: hey Sadie!
Sadie: hey mom it's like 8am what are you guys doing awake?
Dad: we wanted to make sure you had everything packed and then we were going to take you to the airport
Sadie: ok

I walk up the stairs, and in my room is a really huge suitcase, with a note inside. It read: We wanted to get you a brand new suitcase, so here you go! We hope you like it, because it's designer!
Lots of love,
Mom and dad
Hmm.. It was nice for them to get it and all, but this thing had to cost at least $500. I was shopping on the website yesterday. My family is acting weird, and I don't know what's up. Anyways, I get my things, including Jacob's gift.

Then, I text Jacob:
Sadie: I'm all packed! You?
Jacob🔥: yep
Sadie: we will head to the airport in like 2 hours.
Jacob🔥: ok bye babe
Whoa. Babe? I just go with it.
Sadie: bye Jacob

I then decide to take a cat nap, because I do have 2 hours, and I was still super tired. "Guys are you fighting..fighting..fighting?" Boom! "Oh no! call the ambulance! She blacked out!"

My eyes suddenly burst open. I feel like my head is about to explode with questions. What was that dream about? Why did I have it? Who blacked out? When did that happen? Why didn't I remember it? "Sweetie, it's time to leave." My mom says. I grab my suitcase, and head down stairs. The car ride to the airport was about 30 minutes, so I decided to rest my eyes.

"I dare Jacob and Macy to go in the room for ten minutes!" That is all I hear, before my mom yells "we are here!" I get of the car, and walk towards the entrance. When I get inside, it's huge! But right in front of me, I see the back of Jacob's head, and what looks like his mom's. "Jacob!" I yell so that he could hear me. He turns around, and runs towards me. I only saw him this morning, but it felt like I haven't seen him in forever! He then hugs me for really long. It was comforting, warm, and amazing. It was like the best feeling in the world. He then lets go, and takes my hand. We then sit down in the seats to wait for our flight, which was around 12. We have an hour to wait, so I decide to talk to Jacob about my dreams. I explain each and every one to him.

Jacob: I'll tell you what happened, but don't get hurt
Sadie: ok
Jacob: you blacked out from Sadie punching you, and you were in the hospital. The doctors said you would have a few days of memory loss, and I guess those are gone. Every time you close your eyes, you seem to be remembering something. What happened before is the past,
so instead of figuring out what happened, can you just forget about it?
Sadie: woah. That was a lot to take in. But Jacob, how am I not supposed to be curious about what happened?
Jacob: what happened was heartbreaking, and I don't want that to ever happen again.
Sadie: please just tell me. If you love me you will.
Jacob: fine. When we were playing truth or dare one night, Arrow dared Macy and I to go in the room. The reason why it was ok, was because I needed to talk to her. It got out of hand, and she kissed me. You heard us do it, and stormed off. I tried to explain it, but you wouldn't let me. That kiss meant nothing. But then you blacked out after Macy accidentally punched you, and you had memory loss. I'm so sorry.
Sadie: wow. Look, I'm sorry for not letting you explain, I was just heartbroken. Can you forgive me?
Jacob: of course

He then kissed me for a long time, it felt good to be back with him.

Another chapter! This one is super long, so enjoy! New chapter should be up tomorrow.

I met this boy..//A Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now