The hangout

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It's 5:45, and I start getting ready. I put some lipgloss on for that extra 'touch' and grab my phone to text Jacob.

Jacob POV:
I am getting ready for the hangout. This is going to be so much fun! Then my phone beeps. It's Sadie!

Sadie💙: hey! Be there in 5 minutes!😊
Jacob✌️: ok! See you!
Omg I can't wait for Sadie to come over! She seems so cool and I'd love to get to know her!

Sadie's POV:
Yay! I'm going to Jacob's house! Can't wait to get to know him! He seems really fun to be around!
I walk downstairs, and say goodbye to my mom. I then head out and walk to Jacob's. *Knock Knock*
Jacob answers door.
Jacob: hey! Glad you came Sadie! Come in!

Jacob's POV:
Holy crap she's here! Oh wait she's staring at me. Lol I think I know why. I have no shirt on but I purposely did that😏😂 "I see you staring at me." I say. "Umm😳 no I'm not!" She says. Aw, she blushes adorable 😍 "It's fine, I don't blame you!" She then giggles. Omg her giggle is amazingly cute. ❤️

Sadie's POV:
Omg no why did I stare? 😳At least he understood! "C'mon my friends are in the basement!" He says. "K!" I reply. He grabs my hand, and takes me there. Gosh, I literally felt a warm, sparky feeling!😍 we get down there, and I see two boys and two girls. "Sup guys. This is Sadie. Sadie, these are my friends. Meg, Macy, Lucas, and Dustin!" He says. "Hi!" I say. Perhaps too much friendly.

"Whatcha wanna do, Sadie?" Jacob asks. I literally have no clue. "Umm, how bout we play video games or something?" I randomly say. "Ok. Let's see. I have Wii sports if everyone wants to take turns." "Sure." Everyone agrees. Turns out I had never played, so I told Jacob. He said we were gonna play bowling. "It's simple I'll show you!" He grabs the remote and gives it to me. Then he gets behind me, and puts his hand in top of mine. Gosh, there goes that spark again😍😍 then he guides me. Him holding me was comporting. I never wanted to let go, but I did.

"Thanks" we played bowling for hours and hours. It was so fun. Then it was 10:00, and Jacob asked if I needed to go home. "Yeah." I said. "Oh, well then I'll walk you home." He said. "Ok thanks 😊"

Jacob's POV:
yay! She said yes to walk her home! We walk out the door, and start talking. "So what's your fav restaurant?" I ask. "Um is that even a question? CHIPOTLE!!😏😏" she replies. "Haha lol mine too. Chipotle is life and I can't survive without it!" "Omg me neither! It's amazingggg😋😍" she says. We get to her doorstep, and I'm almost sad she has to go!

Sadie's POV:
wow, hanging with Jacob is literally the funnest thing ever. I don't want to leave. "Well thanks so much for inviting me! I had so much fun!" I say. "Me too. We should hang more!" He says, then hugs me. I felt that special spark again😍 His hugs are so warm! "Totally!" I reply. "Well ok bye. Text you later!" "Bye Jacob!"

Kind of a long chapter but thought y'all wouldn't mind! ~ℐѕᎯℬℰℒℒᎯ💖

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