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Jacob's POV: (3:00ish)

I wake up to a sleeping Sadie. I don't want to wake her up, so I go on my phone. I post a picture to Instagram I took the other day. It has me looking up and smiling. While taking the pic, I thought of Sadie. So I tagged her in it. My caption was- "thinking about my bby😍💘 @Sadie.Maplesmith"

As soon as I post it people comment things like, "goals", "omg aww", and "wish that was me!". I love how my fans are such supporters, it really brightens up my day. I soon hear Sadie say, "good morning. Wait that's not right..good afternoon?" "Haha I thought the same."

She gets her phone and turns it on. I guess she sees the pic I tagged her in, and she was smiling. "Awww Jacob I love you so much!" She says. "Love you more, babe!" I say back. I look under the covers; I'm in my boxers. Interesting.."I think we should put our pants back on.." Sadie says as she sees me look down. "Great idea" I reply.

We both get into our pants and walk downstairs. Sadie goes into the kitchen to make some green tea. I sit down on the couch and read some comments on my recent Instagram picture. Now they say, "go die in hell.", "kill urself!", "you're a fuckboi", "stupid ass bitch trying to be romantic".


I started to question who I am. Am I really a guy worth living? I mean these comments say I should kill myself so maybe I should. I tell Sadie that I'm going to the bathroom. When I walk in there, I search for Sadie's blade. She used to cut, but luckily I stopped her before it got out of control.

I start making a cut. It feels good. And another. And another. I start tearing up. Maybe the haters are right! I don't need to live! I sit down on the floor in the corner and have my legs to my chest. Then I wrap my arms around them.

Sadie's POV:
Jacob told me he was going to the bathroom but he's taking super long. I wonder what's up. I walk upstairs to my room and hear sobbing. I quickly open the door to see Jacob in the corner crying. I also see my old blade beside him. "BABE!" I instantly get worried.

I sit down right next to him and give him a big hug. I don't like when people ask me if I'm ok when obviously am not. So, I sit there with him, stroking my hand against his back. I'll wait until he's comfortable telling me what happened. I'm actually really concerned about him.

*10 minutes later*

I don't hear crying anymore. Jacob looks up at me. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this. And thanks for not making me tell you right away." He sighed. "I was reading the comments on that picture I posted earlier and things got to me. I don't know what I was thinking, it's never ok to try to kill yourself like that, but maybe the haters are right. Maybe I'm not 'good enough' for anyone!" He says in a very upset voice.

"Jacob no! NEVER let those stupid hoes get to your mind. They are just jealous of you and want attention. Deep down, I know they don't mean that. But guess what? YOU'RE WAY GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME! Please don't kill yourself if someone asks. That will hurt way too many people including me. Promise you will never do this again?" I say, trying to be as calm and soothing as possible.

"I guess you're right. After all you are my girlfriend, the love of my life. I would hate to see you cry because I did something stupid. I promise to never ever cut again but only because I love you." He says. "Thank you. And I love you soooo much! Now can you please show me the cuts?" I say.

I really wanted to see how much he was gonna let haters get to him like that. He shows me the back of his wrist. I count the cuts. 5. They are still rushing out blood, you could tell they were fresh. "I'm sorry but I have to clean the cuts." I say, knowing it will burn because of the alcohol. I get it out.

He puts his hand out, flipping it to the back. I take a cotton swab and dip it in the alcohol. I ask Jacob if he's ready. "No. Of course not. But I trust you with all my heart. Can you hold my other hand while doing this?"

"Of course." I take his hand. I start to rub the alcohol on the first cut I see, they are all in a row. As soon as I do so, he squeezed my hand tightly and looks away. "It's ok I'm right here!" I say, squeezing his hand back. He smiles.

I try to take the shortest time possible. As I am cleaning them, he keeps holding on to my hand tightly. "I'm done." I say. He instantly looks into my eyes and goes to kiss me. "It wasn't that bad I have to say. But I could never survive through that if you weren't there."

"Of course. I'll always be here for you." I say. He gets up and hugs me really tight. I don't want to let go. It seems like we were hugging for hours, but it was only 3 minutes. I take his hand and walk out the front door. I walk to his house. When I get in, nobody is there. At this time it's 9:00. I am still holding his hand, and I lead him to his room.

He sat on his bed, and so did I. "Thank you for everything Sadie. You honestly saved my life." "Anything for you Jacob!" I say. I make him lay down in his bed. I then kiss his forehead and say "goodnight babe." After that I walk towards his door to go back to my house. He needed to be at home right now. It was the best thing to help him adjust more. Then I heard a whisper. "Stay." I smile and lay down on his bed right next to him. He snuggles up to me, and I fall asleep knowing that I couldn't feel more safe in his arms.

Aye over 1,000 words! And double update today. Idk with winter break I have nothing to do and it looks like so have no life so why not?😂😂 A lot happened!! And if there are spelling errors I'm sorry. I was writing this when my brother and dad were playing video games. They were so freaking loud!!🙄Next chapter soon

I met this boy..//A Jacob Sartorius FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now