Saturday November 8th

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Today was the town's harvest festival, which, surprisingly enough, I had fun at. 

"But Cassandra? Why wouldn't you have fun?" 

One word: Alex. 

Yes, I spent the entire day with her, and no, I do not regret it. It was fun. I had fun. Jamie, Alex and I all hung out, spend money on different types of candy, most of them apple flavored, as well as went on a hayride together. I'm pretty sure Alex only spent the day with us because Justin wasn't able to go, but hey, I had a blast. 

Sure there were times when I honestly wanted to just open up to Alex about the notes, tell her everything. I felt guilty. I was scared. The scariest part? I was able to push it away. I'm at the point where it doesn't matter, and I just accept it. Sure I felt bad about it, especially when Jamie asked Alex how her relationship was going and she said, "Fine." 

I would have preferred hearing awful. I really wish she had said awful. 

I'm still mad she hasn't told anyone about the notes. What the heck? A relationship is supposed to be built on trust. If nothing happens soon, I'm going to stick the notes on the actual door of the locker, ask Alex what it is, and tell Justin, as if I'm innocent. 

Horrible of me, I know. 

I just don't care.

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