Friday, November 7th

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What I'm doing would be right if I were an animal, if I lived in the wild. Out in the actual wilderness, it's eat or be eaten. All kinds of animals totally destroy other animals to get what they want. 

This is when I just know that what I'm doing is beginning to be a problem. I'm justifying my behavior by comparing it to that of animals. That's not right. 

Because I'm not an animal. I'm human. 

I think. 

It's kind of sad that I'm questioning my sanity because of this little "project". That's what I've started thinking of it as. A "project." Isn't that sick? 

I know it's wrong, and there are days where I honestly and truly just don't care. Then there are days like today, when it's a constant gnawing, reminding me that what I'm doing is wrong. Some days my guilt wins, sometimes my will to win does. 

The horrible part is that this isn't a game, and there isn't any winning. Only loss of friends. 

There isn't any winning. 

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