Thursday, October 23rd

11 1 0

Another note. There's going to keep being notes until she tells us what the heck is going on. She knows about it. There's no doubt that she knows about it. I saw her at her locker today. I was standing with her by her locker today. No note in there, I'm sure about it. This note I shoved in her locker after school. 

"I seem to be going unnoticed, and unanswered. Unlike you. You definitely catch my eye - X" 

Creepy? Not really. More...sweet. But a girl with a boyfriends shouldn't be getting sweet notes. That note in itself was a bit of a risk, considering that I want her to keep this kind of quiet. But I really wanted to get something in there about how X watched her or something. 

The one thing that I'm terrified of is that she's throwing the notes away. If that happens we won't have any evidence. Any evidence that she's testing Justin's trust. 

I'm a horrible friend. 

I'm supposed to be there for the both of them, and as far as they know, I am. I act as if nothing's wrong. At least, I hope that I act that way. I don't want them to know that anything out of the ordinary is going on. If they know that, they'll suspect something. 

I'm worried for my safety. 

I'm not even kidding. I'm seriously worried. I've been biting my nails off from the guilt and anxiety. I should just stop. But how will that be explained? Four notes and nothing else? Never bring it up again? Or maybe I should confess that it was me. 

Gosh. I can't confess that it was me. 

This is going to keep going on. If this is what these notes are doing to me, then imagine what it's doing to Alex. Imagine what it's going to do to Justin. 

I don't want to confess, I really don't. If I do, then chances with Justin is impossible. Alex will definitely hate me, and because of that, I'll probably loose the rest of my friends. 

This is going to keep happening. 

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