Chapter 29- Heartbroken /♥\

Start from the beginning

"Bad. Everything. Completely wrong." I grumbled. Andrew's eyes widened.

"What? What happened?" he asked.

"She rejected me." I said, my teeth clenching again. I didn't want my temper going off, if that was the last thing I wanted.

"Are you kidding me? She rejected you? Why the heck in the world would she do that?" Andrew exclaimed. I closed my eyes, groaning and turned on him.

"Because you idiot, she doesn't have feelings for me? Isn't it obvious or something? And you were like "She loves you, she likes you!" I mimicked his voice, and then rolled my eyes. Andrew narrowed his eyesbrows.

"That's because she does! I swear, she does! Ask...oh yeah ask Lizzy! She knows everything practically! I swear I'm telling the truth!" Andrew cried. I rolled my eyes again.

"But why did she reject you? I didn't expect that..." Andrew muttered.

"She doesn't have feelings for me. Why else would she reject me? She only sees me as a friend, that's all." I said firmly. Andrew shook his head in disbelief.

"No man, she does have feelings. Megan's been pretty much an open book these past few days...or weeks. Everyone can see she likes you and cares about you. But why she rejected you, I have no clue." Andrew said.

"Oh whatever." I said.

"Cheer up dude, we'll find out why she did." Andrew said getting up. He had to go home, so I went to see him off the sidewalk. After talking outside, I walked back in. I felt...completely heartbroken. So Megan didn't have feelings for me? Wow.

I can't stay love struck with her all the times. If she doesn't have feelings for me, then what am I gonna do? Just stay with her and pretend to be her friend? No, I wanted to be her girlfriend! But no, she rejects me! God, I hate complicated relationships! Jeez!

I wonder what Megan's thinking right now...


Megan's P.O.V

I had to pour out my tears no matter what. I couldn't hold them back any longer, and after saying those regretful and dreadful words of my life I fled from him, not knowing what else to do. After rejecting him, what else am I supposed to do? Face him? No, not for quite a long time for now. And I left him heartbroken. I feel so bad for myself. Why did I do that? Oh yeah, because I'm moving to New York. And I can't maintain that kind of long-distance relationship with him. If I had to be his girlfriend, then I would want to stay and be with him all the time! Not some complicated, messed up relationship!

I hate myself now. This moving to New York has changed everything! Even my love life! God, I hate this!

How am I supposed to tell him? After that, he's bound to try and find out why I rejected him! Who am I gonna tell? I had to someone, or else I'll explode now! This news has been burning inside of me for so long! Ugh!

I was lying on my bed, my face buried on my pillow. My tears made it wet a little, and I just had to cry. I hurt Nathan and I hurt myself.

I got up from my bed, and grabbed my cellphone. Rubbing my eyes and sniffling, I dialed one person's number. I couldn't take this any longer. I had to do this.

"Hey Megan!" The person's voice said.

"H-hey Lizzy." I said shakily.

"Megan? Are you...crying?" she asked. I laughed very quietly.

"How can you tell?"

"Because I'm your best friend idiot! What happened?" Lizzy asked.

"It's dreadful Lizzy. Terrible. I need to tell someone now, before I burst out again! Oh god, I feel awful!" I cried out, sniffling a little.

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