She'll be okay, Blaze. She's a fighter.

"When I entered the room, she way laying there in her own blood, unconscious. She's in my car right now. I didn't want to wait for the ambulance to show up."

"I'm on my way with Liam and the others." Noah replied.

I hung up and drove faster, keeping my eyes on the road. I parked the car at the entrance haphazardly and carried Nov in my arms, rushing in, shrieking for the doctor.

In a flash, she was taken from my arms and placed into a gurney. A nurse put on an oxygen mask on her face and they quickly wheeled her to the operation room.

Everything happened like a bat out of hell that I had no idea what was going on. I was in a daze.

A few minutes later, the boys came rushing in and crowded around me. A choruses of 'what happened?' and 'what's wrong' surrounded me but I couldn't think straight.

All I could think about was about Nov laying there out cold, covered in crimson red.

Liam hushed everyone and asked me, "Will she be okay?"

I hunched my shoulders and said, "I don't know man, I don't know."

I dragged my feet to the waiting room and sat down. I ran my fingers through my hair, waiting. All we could do is await.

Noah sat on a side of my and Liam the other. Damien, Ashton and Sean were here too.

I rubbed my hands on put the on my face, then ran them through my hair. Taking a deep breath, I got up and walked further away from the others. I took out my phone and dialled Nov's mom's number from memory. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Blaze!" She said and I could picture her smiling.

"Hey Meg." I replied, my voice dull.

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned, and suddenly alert like Noah was.

"It's Nov."

"What about her?" Her voice worried.

"She's in the operating room right now." I broke the news.

"Why?!" Meg burst into hysterics.

"As usual, I came to make breakfast and pick her up for school. When I was done making food, I waited for her to come down but she didn't. She wasn't this late even when she was way past the clock. It was awfully quiet so I thought she was still sleeping but when I entered her room," I paused. I collected myself and continued. "When I entered her room, she was laying there lifeless in her own blood." I said repeating myself for the third time.

I could listen to her mom sob from the other end and I closed my eyes painfully. I'm sure that pain and anxiety were the only two emotions writ on my face.  She was like my mother and it hurt me to listen to her crying. I wanted to comfort Meg, I really did and a little part of me hoped that she could comfort me too.

"Will she be okay?" Meg asked in a bleat voice.

"I don't know but I hope so." I answered truthfully.

"We'll be there on the first flight we get."


"And Blaze?" Her mom questioned with a shaky voice.


"Can you please pick Kyle up and accompany him?"

"Will do, Meg." I told her.

"I will see you soon, son." She said

"See you soon." I hung up, crying a bit.

I walked back to others were and informed them I was going to pick Kyle up from school.

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