Chapter 19

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Date: 17th March, 2016.

"Appreciate everything. Appreciate it when you go out on the street

and the light is green, appreciate it when someone gives you a small candy,

Appreciate every compliment you receive, appreciate the love people give you,

Appreciate every breath someone takes before they tell you something because

they took it for you. Appreciate even the bad things because there's no better thing

than balance and balance doesn't exist without bad things. Appreciate balance.

Appreciate your life. Appreciate yourself."


I sat on the edge of my bed and was waiting for Blaze and Liam to show up. My soul was restless, I could not stop fidgeting. I was tapping my foot on the floor but somehow, being still was a difficult fast.

The shock of discovering what had happened had passed and now I was left vanquished and tired.

A few minutes after going through my Instagram feed to distract myself, the bell rang. A few seconds later voices filled the home.

I opened the bedroom door which had been locked since I got here and I could hear Kyle shout, "Blaze!"

That little dude must have missed Blaze. They were really close.

"Hey bud." I could hear Blaze say and my stomach filled with butterflies.

Was it his voice or me being nervous, I didn't know.

I tip toed down the staircase and leant again the wall, crossing my arms, watching all of them interacting with each other. I hadn't seen Kyle so exited and joyful in a while. It was nice, at least someone was happy.

Happiness is weird. When you're happy, you don't value it but when it's gone, everyone around you looks happy and you're just left there, jealous that they are happy and you once were.

A while later, the boys came up and claimed their spots on their regular places. I sat on the bean bag and looked down, at my hands.

We sat in silence for a while and they did not push me to say anything, nor did I make any eye contact.

"So a while ago, I was talking to my mom. Right after you left." I looked at Blaze, making eye contact for the first time in fifteen minutes.

"She told me the nightmares I get aren't completely my imagination. It actually happened."

Liam raised him eyebrows and in looked down again, embarrassed that I felt so weak.

"When I was six, I was kidnapped and they had me for months. They hit me, abused me and touched me." I started, disputed, my jaw clenching.

"When the police and my parents found me, I was hit pretty hard on my head and bleeding. Once I woke up in the hospital, I couldn't even recognise my parents. It took me months to relearn everything." I said and tears were freely running down my face. I wiped my face harshly, not wanting to cry in front of them but the tears just won't stop.

I didn't bother to wipe them out again because the new ones would replace the old tears.

They both listened, shocked. I guess they hadn't expected this, I didn't either.

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