"Thank you Mrs. Lisa." I said as we were walking out the door. "Why are you so rude? She's so nice."

"I'm not trying to be. She kept talking to us about our relationship while the Chipotle across the hall is just calling my name." He said. I plucked him.

He made a whole B-line to the Chipotle line.
He ordered my very spicy burrito bowl and his fat ass burrito that he puts the whole kitchen in. He paid for our food even though I told him I got it. He insisted.

When we were done eating I threw out the trash. When I turned around, I saw some chick trynah talk to Christian. Oh hell no.


"Why are you messing with me?" I asked Riley.

"I need to talk to you." She tried reach out for my arm but I took a step back. I looked at Jay in the distance throwing our trash away.

"Well talk to Jaylah." I pointed at Jaylah.

"Who the fuck is that?" She scoffed. "My replacement." I watched Jay storm through the food court. She stood behind Riley.

"My gi-" I was interrupted.

"The girl who is about kick your ass if you don't back the fuck up away from my boyfriend." Jaylah said from behind me. Riley turned around and looked Jay up and down. I really wanted Jay to whoop her ass. Riley was shook.

"What do you want Riley." I asked her.

"I finally set up an appointment with the doctor for the test next week." She swallowed.

"Alright." I said dryly. I was in a such good mood and every ounce of sparkles and rainbows that were in body, disappeared when Riley appeared.

"Alright bounce." Jaylah said. Jay looked her up and down. I watched her ball her fist up. Riley rolled her eyes and began to walk off.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Riley touched my back. Luckily Jay didn't see her. I grabbed Jay's hand and we left the mall. Prom was tomorrow and I just wanted to have a great time with Jay without any interruptions.


"God damn Janelle." She burned my ear with the curling iron. She lucky she's pregnant with my niece/nephew or I would have killed her.

"I told you to hold your ear." She replied. She already did my makeup and now, she's almost done doing my hair. I look down at my fresh set of acrylics and the rings on my fingers. Yesterday, after I about to pounce on that bitch, Christian and I both got mani pedis. Yes I took him along too because I'm sick of his dragon claws he calls toes scratching me at night. I'm guessing right now, he's at his house putting on his tux, getting dolled up for me. I can't wait to see his sexy ass.

"Who's sexy ass?" Damn did I say that out loud? "Christian?" Janelle laughed.
"I can't wait to see his sexy ass either."

"Nick." I called out from my bathroom. He was on my couch in my room, watching baseball.

"Yes, Short Stack?" He called out. Nick gave me a cute nickname when he started dating my sister. I was only an inch shorter than my sister.

"Your girl is flirting with another guy." I didn't hear any cheering from the television. I'm guessing he muted it or turned it off. He came into the bathroom.

"Janelle." Oh she was about get in trouble.

"I'm only joking around baby. I can admit that the kid is attractive but, Nicky baby, you're the only one who can tame me and do a great job at it." She put the curling iron down and walked closer to Nick. Ok ew. "I'm glad I chose the right one to have a baby with. I love you." She pulled him down for a kiss. I hope one day in the future, when Christian and I are married, we have this type relationship. For years, I've admired their relationship. I cleared my throat from the potential make out session in my bathroom.

My Bad Ass White Boy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora