Chapter XV | A Mother's Love

Comincia dall'inizio

"I love you guys," he mumbled.

"We love you too," Regina said.

They all parted and Regina just kept staring at Ben, admiring his beauty. She put her hands on his face and smiled brightly. "Thank you for trying to save me Ben. Even when I wasn't in danger," she said and started to lean in.

Everything went into slow motion for Ben. He saw Regina's face come closer and closer to his. He started to close his eyes and felt the feeling of her lips...on his cheek. He frowned slightly, but shared a fake smile when she parted from him.

She patted his shoulder and walked towards the kitchen. "I'm going to start dinner," she said and walked out of the foyer.

Henry looked over at a blushing Ben who also look disappointed. "Ooooohh," he teased.

"Keep your mouth shut, Henry," Ben said and put his finger to his own lips.

Henry just kept smirking at him until he walked into the kitchen.


The Next Day: Noon

Regina was showing Ben the wonderful world of movies. She had Netflix so they could watch whatever they'd like. Ben ended up choosing Dora the Explorer. He wanted to know who she was and what she was exploring. Regina fell asleep through the first episode. He was either looking at an adorable former queen beside him of an animated monkey named Boots.

All of the sudden in middle of Dora waiting for Ben to tell her where the bridge was, there was a loud knocking at the door. It startled Ben and he ran to the door. It was Cora and Zelena. "What's wrong?"

"Tiepyrsseus and his tribe. They're attacking the town. They're at Main Street again," Cora explained.

Ben's eyes widened and ran back over to Regina, waking her up. Henry then descended the stairs. "What's going on?" He asked just as Regina woke up.

"Henry stay upstairs! DO NOT LEAVE THIS HOUSE!" Ben shouted as he helped Regina up off the couch. Ben whispered what was going on into Regina's ear.

Henry's heart was racing. He needed to know what was going on. He could see Ben grab the sword and storm out of the house along with Zelena, Cora, and his mom.


Main Street

Benjamin, Regina, Cora, and Zelena stood in a line facing the tribe across the street. Naiad chuckled as she waved her hands around causing it start raining really hard. Ben and the Mills were instantly soaked by the water. It made it harder to see anything.

They all started to walk forwards. Ben unsheathed his sword as the girls readied their magic. Regina enchanted the sword and she shot a beam of magic towards the tribe. It did hardly anything. Beams of differently colored magic shot across the road as they battled.

"First we shall break Zelena's heart," Tie said and shot a very powerful ray of dark magic into Cora's heart.

The magic swirled around inside her and exploded, ripping the organ to pieces. Cora fell to the wet road. "MOTHER!!" Regina and Zelena screamed. They both ran over to her body.

Their faces were already wet from the rain and tears still fell but mixed with the rain water. "Don't ever be envious of each other. I love you both," she said as she took her last breath.

"Mother! Please," Regina pleaded.

Regina looked to see Ben being flung into a car windshield by some monster. "BEN?!" She was so overwhelmed. She just lost her mother she couldn't loose her best friend too.

Regina kissed her mother's hand as she ran over to check on Ben. He was bleeding from the top of his head and his nose. "Ben?!" She whimpered and grabbed his face.

She saw a bright light in the comer of her eye and it was too late to react. She helped as lifted into the air by a magical force and drop about fifteen feet, knocking her out. Zelena was in a panic. Her mother was dead and she didn't know if her sister was alive or whether Ben was either.

"Stop right there, Tiepyrsseus," Rumple growled.

"Ha, if it isn't Rumplestiltskin. You look better," Tie said.

"And you don't. It's time to stop," he said and made them disappear.

The rain let up and Rumple saw his former lover on the ground. "Cora?"

"Regina?!" Zelena yelled and ran over to her sister and shook her. "Please don't leave me."

Ben started to wake up and brushed the broken glass of himself. He felt his head and got blood on his finger. Then he saw Regina. No. Please tell me she's not dead.

Ben rushed to her and cradled her in his arms. Please Regina. He pushed a few strands of hair out of her face and caressed her cheek. "Please, I love you," he whispered and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Zelena was hysterical that her mother had died right before her eyes and now her baby sister probably died too. She has nothing now.

To be continued...

Be the Hero                      (Book I)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora