"Henry I'm happy with the way things are," she lied.  "I love you Henry.  And even if I did like Ben in a...a romantic way--which I don't--I'd want nothing more than your happiness," she said genuinely.

   "My happiness is seeing my family have their happy endings mom.  Everyone deserves love, everyone deserves family and friends, and everyone deserves a second chance."

   "Henry, I am telling you right now that I am NOT in love with Ben, okay? We are friends and that's it.  No more no less," she snapped slightly and took Henry back to the booth. 

   God she's stubborn.  Well my other mom has a built-in human lie detector so....I'll have to ask. 

   "Alright what can I get you guys to hold you over?" Granny asked with a pad and pen in hand. 

   "Coffee for me," Ben said.

   "Tea please," Regina said.

   "Hot chocolate."

   "You already had that, young man and it was on the house.  You're getting grape juice end of story," the older woman said.  "Alright that'll do it."

   "Thank you Granny," Ben said with his charming smile.

  "Sure thing Benjamin," the older woman answered and pinched his dimpled cheek, making him blush. 


   Emma, Snow, and David rushed into the diner, knowing something was important.  For Storybrooke the word important was altered a bit.  It was more like "it's urgent!".  The Charmings pushed a table next to the booth, entrapping Ben, Regina, and Henry.  "Okay, so what's important?" Emma asked.

   "Do not blame me for this, because I didn't even know about it until now.  I have...a sister," Regina explained.

   "Okay so lots of people have siblings.  Why, who are you related to?  Cruella de Vil or someone like that?" Emma asked and it offended Regina.

   "Oh so you assume since I'm the Evil Queen that my blood-relations must all be evil?  Thanks," Regina snapped and Ben shot a glare at Emma.

   "Regina I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.  Who knows maybe you're related to uh...."

   "The Wicked Witch of the West."

   "What?  Uh...I don't know maybe Jasmine?"

   Henry snorted from laughing.  "How do you know Zelena's the Wicked Witch?"  Ben asked.

   "I don't.  But her being mean and having a pointy hat I let my assumptions take over."

   "Wait so you're related to the Wicked Witch?  You know where she tries to kill Dorothy?" Emma asked.

   "Apparently.  And the reason why is this important--and as you could guess--she wants to make my life a living you-know-what," Regina responded, knowing Henry shouldn't be hearing that word yet. 

   "Hm.  That's great so we have the weird creatures, the Wicked Witch, and the Evil Queen-" Ben instantly wanted to deck David.

   "David!  Apologize," Snow shouted, gathering the attention of the diner.

   "No, don't make him.  It's true I'm the Evil Queen.  It's who I am-"

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