'Shame I'm in college😊' she captioned it, I knew she was being sarcastic just to make it seem like she'd actually give me one, I couldn't help but laugh sending her one back.

"What are you smirking at?" Nick asked with a grin

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

"What are you smirking at?" Nick asked with a grin.

I laughed shaking my head "My girl" I answered making him cheer. "Oh yeah, I heard about that. So you two... A real couple and all?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"What do you think?" I asked raising my eyebrows making him laugh. "Yeah, based on all the pictures I've seen of you two basically having sex with your clothes on, you're more then a couple" we both laughed before starting a conversation about new music, people, careers, everything. Nick was the type of guy you could have deep chats with but then also be the biggest idiot with.

"I have to pick up my computer from the repair shop, so I'll be back soon" We stood up and hugged one another before he left.

Vanessa had just texted me to pick her up so I told Linc I'd be back before I got up and left the studio. I stopped for pictures with a couple fans who were behind a fence before I got in to my car and drove to her college.

I got out of the car and leaned against the side of it, watching as students went in and out of the buildings. Most of them looking at me and others too busy running to their classes. I looked back in front of me to see Vanessa walking towards me, I smirked looking at her from head to toe making her roll her eyes laughing as she came up to me.

"Hey" she grinned wrapping her arms around my neck as I pulled her in by her waist "Hey" I pressed my lips against hers for a couple seconds before pulling away.

We got in to the car "How was college?" I asked as I turned out of the car park before placing my hand on her thigh, gently caressing the side of it.

"It was good, kind of got bombered with questions by people, about you" she replied as she set he phone down on top of her lap.

I raised my eyebrow "What about?" I asked curios to what people had to say.

"Just about us" she shrugged making me nod as I turned in to the studio car park "Why are we at the studio?" She questioned as I parked.

"I need to finish a couple bits off of this song that I've been working on, you can listen to it too." I replied taking my seatbelt off. She nodded before I came round and opened the door for her, she stepped out and I took her by her waist and we walked in to the studio.

Unlocking the door, we walked in and Linc turned to look at us, smiling at the both of us.

"Linc, I want you to meet my girlfriend Vanessa, Vanessa this is Linc, he helps out with my music" I introduced, "Nice to meet you" Vanessa kindly said and Linc smiled "You too" he replied.

"Are we doing the last bit now?" I asked Linc. "Yup, you just need to sing the chorus again" he answered making me nod.

I left Vanessa and went in to the booth where I put the headphones on, the beat came through and I began singing along.

Tonight might be the night
You might mess around and fall in love
And I might be the guy
I don't want to make you fall in love with me
Girl, what's your name, I'm happy that you came
I'm the man in this, stick with me, I can't love
Everywhere around the world
I'll be looking for you

I pulled the headphones off and led the booth.

"Is it all there?" I asked him and he nodded "I'll get this put together by tomorrow and send it to Scoot" He said standing up and putting his jacket on.

"Thanks man, I'll see you later" I bro hugged him "See you, nice meeting you Vanessa" he turned to look at Vanessa who smiled at him as he left.

"So, was the song any good?" I asked her as I went up to her wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yeah, really good." She replied with a smile.

"Good" I paused, I picked her up and sat down on the couch, sitting her on my lap "Now for that lap dance" I smirked as her mouth dropped, blushing slightly.

"Justinnn" she dragged out covering her face with her hands.

"Save the moaning for later baby" I said laughing as she got even more embarrassed.

I pried her hands away from her face and quickly flipped us over so I hovered above her. I latched my lips against her neck were I began licking, sucking and biting at her skin. "Justin.." She moaned out in to my ear as she tugged on my hair and pulling me down closer to her I smirked against her skin as my moustache tickled against her neck causing her to shiver slightly.

I pressed my lips against her lips, roughly moving in sync I pulled her up, resting my back against the arm bit of the couch, I sat her on top of me as our lips remained connected the entire time. My tongue danced with hers as she pressed herself against me. A groan left my mouth as I moved my hands down to her ass, gripping it with my hand. As we made out roughly yet passionately, the door swung open and instantly Vanessa pulled away.

"Oh shit, sorry" Nick spoke, he looked at us before he burst out in to laughter.

"Shut the fuck up" I laughed throwing a pillow at him as I held her sides in my hands gently caressing them.

"So you're Vanessa, why would you want a guy like Justin?" He made a face of disgust making the pair of them laugh as I looked at them with amusement.

"Because I have a big dick" I answered, Vanessa's cheeks turned red and Nick looked at me before we burst out laughing.

"You're sick bro" he laughed as he went over and sat down on the other couch.

"Well its true" I smirked as Vanessa got off me, I looked over at her as she tried to hold back her smile. I laughed pulling her to my chest and missed her head smiling at her cuteness

"So cute!" he gushed acting like a excited little girl.

"Very" I grinned.

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