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What was I supposed to do? Turning down some of the cutest boys on the face of this planet would be a sin. I unlocked the front door to my house to grab some overnight clothes and went through the gap in the fence to get to the boys' house. They were already in pyjamas; Grayson shirtless in some black adidas pants and Ethan dresses in a white vest and grey shorts. My eyes couldn't help but skim over both boys, making me bite my lower lip to stop myself from squealing. I had these two all to myself tonight. "Welcome, young one, to our humble pad." Grayson gestured to the kitchen that I had just arrived in.

"Nice place. Is there anywhere I can get changed?" I fiddled with my outfits material.

"Up the stairs, first down on the left. There's a bathroom you can use." Ethan replied. I walked through the living room and then up the wooden stairs. The banister underneath my right hand was cold but smooth. When I got to the top, I stuck out my hands in front of me to see which way was left. I changed into my Spongebob top and joggers and returned to the kitchen. Sat around the kitchen island were the twins with cups of hot chocolate in front of them. One mug, filled to the brim with whipped cream, was pushed towards me. "Nice pyjamas, Spongebob." Ethan chuckled.

"Please, tell me that it won't stick." Both boys started laughing loudly. "It's a good show, okay? Actually, I'm not even going to argue about Spongebob. It's a classic!" I brought the warm chocolate to my lips and downed half the cup. "So, what are we going to do tonight?"

"I don't know. What do you want to do, Spongebob?" Grayson laughed. Ethan nudged him in the rib, however.

"No, it's my thing." Ethan was suddenly very serious and protective over this new found nickname. "Just don't. Do you want to play a video game, Hayden?" I nodded and took my mug into the living room. The twins had drawers stuffed to the brim with multiplayer games for their never-ending console collection, they never seemed the type to be into gaming. "Take your pick, we have all night." I rummaged through each draw as all the games were in alphabetical order and then in order of which console; Atari, Playstation3 then 4, Wii and lastly Xbox. My fingers ran across all the spines and stopped at Call Of Duty : Black Ops III. Grayson looked over my shoulder at my game of choice and laughed.

"You think you're going to beat us?" I stood up so he wasn't towering over me (as much as he was) and nodded confidently. "Well, you're in for a treat. Ethan and I play this one nearly every day."

"But I always beat him." Ethan interrupted us by taking the game out of my hands. He put it in the disc tray and turned the large flat screen on at it's side.

"That's not true. I'm better than him." Grayson shot back.

"No, you're not." Ethan ridiculed.

"Yes, I am." Grayson ran up to Ethan on the couch and tried pushing his face. I wondered if it was a serious fight but then both boys started howling and making noises. I just took my phone out of my pocket and recorded it for Snapchat. I hit 'My Story' and 'Georgie Hudson' then locked my phone. "Let's go, Hayden." I sat in the only space that was left on the couch - right in between both boys. Were they trying to ruin the 'no sex until marriage' rule? Grayson handed me a controller and the game blared loud rock music.

"Me and Gray will be on one team with some people and you'll be on the other with some other people. Is that too hard for you to understand, Spongebob?" I did my resting bitch-face at Ethan's comment and clicked 'Start Game'. I used to play loads of video games with my brother, Sam, back in LA before he started a family and didn't want anything to do with us. He was only 19 when he got his ex shacked up and thought staying with the poor girl was the right thing in that situation. Sam was such a video-game nerd, he had every edition of Pokémon and kept up to date with all the latest gadgets. We started on opposite sides of the map but instantly Ethan made the fatal mistake of protecting their base whilst others ran to attack ours. I snuck up behind him and sniped him in the back, meaning it was over for him and I was trying to find Grayson amongst the 17 other players. "Are you joking?" Ethan threw his hands in the air and started cheering on Grayson, whispering tips and tricks occasionally.

"5 minutes to go and 2 players left." Grayson shrieked. We were both circling around the main building until the last 30 seconds when the game teleported us to a small room in which we had to one-on-one each other. "You're going down, sister."

"Nuh-uh, broski." Within the first few minutes, I had Grayson's avatar on the floor covered in blood. "Bow down to your master, weaklings." I jumped up on the sofa and held my hands like a crown. Ethan and Grayson mocked me by getting on their knees and fanning me with their hands. We all fell onto the couch laughing hysterically. I yawned, bearing in mind that it was around 11pm. 

"You tired?" I nodded sleepily, falling into Grayson's open arms. "We'll set up your bed in the spare room. You stay here." The pair ran upstairs and started assembling my bedroom for the night. My laptop started sounding in my bag, scaring me slightly. The screen was way too bright so I squinted to make out the writing. It read, 'Georgie Hudson <3 wants to Facetime : Answer, Decline.' I clicked 'Answer', she was my best friend after all. Her pale popped up on the screen. Her blonde hair was pulled back into french plaits, with straight flyaways everywhere, and she had her makeup smudged.

"Georgie? What's wrong?" I knew something was up because she would never had called me in this state if something wasn't wrong. "I'm sorry I didn't call you back earlier. That was Ethan on the phone."

"I was calling earlier about my boyfriend." I blinked blankly. Georgie seemed to have a new boyfriend every week, she was one of the pretty girls. "You know, the Mexican one." I shrugged. "Alejandro Lopez, please tell me you remember him." The name ringed a bell. Alejandro was the new student that had flown in from Mexico; as soon as he joined, every girl wanted him and Georgie always said she got what she wanted. His hair was always slicked back and the only downside was that he was brutally honest.

"What happened with Alejandro?"

"He broke up with me. Hayden, what am I going to do? He is my everything, my world. Alejandro left me for Stacey." All of these names meant nothing but as her best friend, I acted like it was the end of the world.

"That's awful, Georgie. I bet there's another boy that'll come around sooner or later, just you wait." Ethan and Grayson returned back downstairs and looked over my shoulder to see what I was getting so fussed over. "Oh, these are my new friends. This is Ethan." Ethan smiled a toothy grin. "And, this is his twin brother, Grayson." Gray waved at the camera.

"Oh, they were the ones on your Snapchat." Georgie said with envy laced in her voice. I couldn't help but feel a little special that I had two boys and she didn't.


Third chapter, done and dusted. I don't know why, but this one took ages. There's a hint in this chapter that is linked to the story later on. See if you can find it. This situation actually happened in real life but Georgie was the one picking up the pieces for me. It was;t exactly like this but I'll do a mini story for you. Basically, I know this boy outside of school and he doesn't know anyone at my school. He is the cutest thing and we were playing truths over Snapchat. He asked me who my crush was so I said "If you tell me yours, I'll tell you mine." He replied saying that I was his crush so instantly I told him that he was my crush. I was busy the rest of the evening so I said goodbye. The next day, I went to school and loads of people were shouting and laughing at me for 'falling for someone out of my league.' The only person I had told about me and this boy was Georgie and she wouldn't have told anyone. ANYONE. I then felt so upset that everyone knew so I asked around who told who. Some girl in my form was eavesdropping on me and Georgie's conversation and told pretty much everyone. Unfortunately, my dream boy did know a girl at my school and they had been talking for AGES. The girl that he had been talking to came up to me and school and said, and I quote, "Back off my man." I broke my heart and Georgie had to pick up the pieces and stick up for me because I am such a wussy.

I actually love her so much. Georgie_Espinosa

That was probably so much for you to take in, I am sorry. I needed to get that out of my system. The whole situation made me realise, why fall for some boy that doesn't love you back when you can just see the twins on tour. I am so pumped for when they come to the UK.

Add this book to your library if you want to know when I update. If you liked this chapter (and my mini story), give this chapter and my previous ones a vote and a comment, why don't you?

From Pia :]

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