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Ethan's POV

They told me that Hayden was in a chemical coma, that she wouldn't wake up or show signs of being okay until later in the week. I was cleaned up and given some water by Connie who told me where to go next and then left, which I was thankful for. She wasn't annoying just..well, annoying. I followed her directions.

"Down the corridor and the last left, it will become more obvious the further you go alon'." I realised she had sent me to the waiting area/entrance but I needed to see Hayden, not my parents or Georgie and Grayson. I pushed past some people in the corridor and jumped the queue at the reception.

"I need to know which room Hayden Monroe is in. Look it up on your computer or whatever you use." The receptionist looked frightened and stayed still whilst I threw orders at her. "C'mon, I've just been discharged so tell me where Hayden Monroe is." I watched her press a button underneath the table and two security guards took held of my arms. "Listen to me, listen. I need to see her. Her name's Hayden Monroe, she's my girlfriend." I shouted, causing commotion in the seating area. Mom and Dad ran towards me and started bargaining with the security guards.

"He's not thinking straight, please just leave him be." Mom was crying and hugged me once the guards had left. "E, what's going on?" I sobbed into her shoulder, I think that was the first time I had cried in front of people for a very long time.

"I need to see Hayden." Grayson patted my back and rubbed in circles. Grey didn't normally do this emotional stuff but when times got tough he was the best comfort anyone could have. A sort of group hug got together (Dad being on the outside as usual) until the receptionist hollered our way.

"She's in the Blue Ward, Private Room 12." We all turned to her at the same time. "It's on the third floor, it's signposted when you get up there." I gave her thumbs up and started walking towards the elevators. Everyone was following but I stopped abruptly.

"Can I just go alone? I'll call you when I'm ready for you guys to see her." I wiped away a tear and waited for their answer. Even if they had said that they wanted to come up with me, I would've gone alone. Georgie looked like she wanted to start an argument.

"Ethan, we know this is hard on you but she's like a sister to-" Grayson stopped her before the whole family argued. I just walked away to the elevator that took me to the third floor. The whole elevation was intensive care. The smell of chemicals and blood filled my nostrils. There a few times when a patient would be limping down the hall past me, gripping onto the pole that carried medication. Each ward had it's own colour. Children's was rainbow, woman's was blue and men's was green. There was an open area in each, for the injuries that weren't extreme and then there were private rooms, for those that needed attention 24/7. There was a sign on her door 'Private Room 12. Please knock.' I lingered my hand over the door and tapped three times. It was opened by yet another female nurse that looked tired and worn out.

"The receptionist told me you were coming up." She signalled for me to go in. "Tell me when you're going to leave the room. Miss Monroe needs to have someone with her all the time.' She yawned ad closed the door on us. I couldn't bring myself to look at her but when I forced myself to it broke my heart. She looked so lifeless, so still. And I didn't enjoy seeing her like this. I walked up to her bedside and kneeled down. I held her cold hand that was drained of all colour or complexion. Time passed so quickly, I knew this because the nurse from before poked her head around the door to tell me that I had been in there for 15 minutes already. I stood up again and kissed Hayden's forehead. If she wasn't in a coma, she would've scrunched up her nose and held my cheeks between her forefinger and thumb. I brought a chair up to her bed, I was planning on spending as long as I could with her. The nurse knocked a few times and came in. "Miss Monroe's friend is here." It was Georgie and usually I would've asked her to leave, but i wanted Hayden to have the most support she could possibly have.

"Is she okay?" Georgie had her eyes facing the ground as she came in but gasped as soon as she looked at her best friend. Maybe it was the shock of the bruises and blood stains, maybe it was just seeing Hayden so still. "Oh, my-" She could hardly get her words out. "I can't believe you did this."


Damnnnnn, why is Georgie turning it around on Ethan??? Well, you'll find out. Fun news BTW, I am in a performance tomorrow. It's being directed by my 'brother' (I am actually an only child but he looks like he could be my brother) and I am so pleased at how it has come together. I play this character called Carrie Johnson and she is socially awkward (so me irl). Basically, it's about this car crash that causes all these different types of people to become friends. You've got your average jock, the socially awkward girl, the popular girl, the studious girl, and the two nerd boys. There are two because one of them gets run over, don't worry he survives XD

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From Pia :]

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