Twenty-Two / Epilogue

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Georgie's POV

*10 years later; Georgie and Grayson stayed together and are now happily married. Ethan, however, never forgave himself for causing Hayden's death in the manner he did. (A/N - They are all late 20's like 28)*

A lot of things had happened since Hayden's death. I was an adult now and, sadly, I hadn't seen Ethan in years. He went off, got his own life and drowned his sorrows in Tequila and gone off whiskey. To be fair, I was young and clueless and I blamed him for Hayden's death. I think that I twisted the vision of Anna and Patrick because they started to shun Ethan, it was all such a mess. After Ethan went away, Anna and Patrick detached themselves from Sean and Lisa and Grayson and myself; I think they moved to Britain. Hayden would've hated that. Me and Grayson moved back to LA but decided it held too much of the past and we moved over a few states into Utah. The best decision of my life was turning down moving to Brazil because my parents were far too invested in little Vito to care about my education, my life. At the age of 23, I fell pregnant. And my first son, Mason, was not an accident. Me and Gray wanted to start a family but little Mason Patrick Dolan popped out at just 6 pounds 5 ounces on the 19th of September. Happiest day of my life, well, joint first with my daughter's birth. She was small, cooing and blubbering with her tongue hanging out. It reminded me of someone. Grayson wanted to give her a sentimental name but we had no clue, spending days and nights brainstorming on scrap paper. 4 years after Mason, Hayden Lisa Dolan was born at an ungodly hour, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces just like her older brother, on the 18th of June. So, now we are in the present. Grayson just celebrated his 28th birthday; Ethan didn't send a card or phone up to check on his beloved twin. Mason is now 4 and Hayden is 1. They often argue, like siblings do, but I couldn't ask for a better situation.

I remember an ordinary day at home, a Saturday to be exact, and we were all just eating breakfast. Grayson had learnt how to cook over the years and his speciality was blueberry pancakes. The doorbell rung and I went to get it.

"Georgie." I recognised his face but the only change was the stubble forming on his upper lip and chin. It suited him well. "I want to make things better, you know how it is. I have made some mistakes-"

"What kind?" I was intrigued; I couldn't possibly let an ex-criminal into my home with two children. I was just getting to know him again.

"Mistakes. Erm, where do I begin?" That didn't sound good. "I started drinking, a lot. Almost to the point where I'd be having alcohol for breakfast but I've grown out of that. Drinking is a distant memory. There was also the sleeping around. I'm lucky that I didn't catch an STD. I never even knew the names of any of the women that I did it with. I was supposed to lose my virgintiy to Hayden, not some stripper with fake everything." I pitied the man, he hardly had an easy life.

"Come on, then. Have you met the kids?" Ethan's face lit up with delight. "Clearly not. How long have you been away?"

"Too long." He chuckled when he heard the sound of toddlers' feet pattering around. "How old are your kids? I'm worrying that they won't like me."

"Mason is 4. Hayden is 1."


"Yes. Her memory lives on, you could say. They'll definitely like you as long as you are able to act as a horse for them to get on." We both laughed and Ethan followed me in to the kitchen. Gray nearly screamed when he saw his twin. They didn't look any different; that's what made the situation better. Mason and Hayden ran up to their uncle to check who he actually was and Hayden lifted up her arms.

"Hey, little one." Ethan picked her up and spun her around. I could imagine him with children; him and adult Hayden would've been great parents. I wanted that life for Ethan, I wanted Ethan to move on. "You must be Hayden." He flinched when he said his ex's name, Grayson walked up to his brother and took Hayden from his arms.

"Ethan, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." They hugged and I took Mason and Hayden into the playroom to leave them in peace. The children starting playing with the dollhouse and every so often I would peer around the corner of the door to check on the twins. One second they were talking and the next minute they were laughing and joking as if it was 10 years ago, when we were all having a 'short' trip to Long Valley. I carried on playing with Mason but Hayden was so invested in Ethan. She loved meeting new people; just like the other Hayden.


Okay, I have no excuses. I didn't want to finish this book so that is the reason I wasn't posting. Anyways, aside from this book ending, I have started writing a teen fiction. It's got a different kind of set-up. It's called Opposites Attract and half of it is written on my account (in Charlotte's POV). The other half is written on Georgie_Espinosa 's account (in Zachary's POV). It's something we have wanted to do for a while, yeah, look out for that. Now that this book is finished, I am taking requests and as soon as I get a few I will start a book on the side just for requests. It can be any person/people, I guess. Gosh, so much to say. Check out my other book, Dolan Twin Blurbs, for more of the twins but in short chapters.

Thanks so much for sticking with this book even though is hasn't been consistent. Reading it back has made me cringe so hard because it is not good quality. I apologise but that's my writing for you. Please, feel free to DM me on here or talk to me on my social medias because I want to talk to you guys... I am a lonely girl, what can I say? 

From Pia :]

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