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Georgie's POV

Grayson hugged me close to his chest and helped me skate along the paved area of the park. "You're getting good." His compliments didn't mean a thing; I was hardly skating by myself. My phone started buzzing in my back pocket and Grayson must've felt it too because he reached down to get it. "It's Ethan." He pressed green for me and held it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered the call and heard heavy breathing. "Ethan? Answer me."

"Georgie, I've just called the ambulance and the fire brigade. The car just burst into flames, I don't know how but Hayden was still in the car. I tried to get her out, I promise." Ethan was sobbing and voices of nearby spectators and helpers sounded in the background. "I don't know what to do. Hayden's out of the car now but she's not responding." I looked up to Grayson and mouthed for him to put it on speaker.

"We'll meet you at the hospital. Long Valley Memorial, right?" I was unclear which was the nearest in relation to where they were but Ethan made it clear that they would be going there. We ran back to Sean and Lisa's house to tell them what happened. I knocked on Hyaden's parent's house but they weren't in. Sean took the wheel to get us there quickly and it was only on that 10 minute journey the seriousness of the situation. My best friend and her boyfriend were caught in one of the most devastating situations. Gray noticed the tears streaming down my face and cleared them up with the pad of his thumb. "I'm scared." I whispered into his chest.

"I know, so am I." He kissed the top of my head in return.

Ethan's POV

The paramedics sat me down in the back of the second ambulance, Hayden had already gone of in the first so I was just being patched up. When the car blew into millions of shards of glass, I must've been wounded as well as my girlfriend; not as bad as my girlfriend though.

"What's your name, son?" The woman paramedic started rolling up the sleeve of my top to check for obvious cuts.

"Ethan Dolan, ma'am." I could tell that I wasn't myself. With the thought of Hayden strapped to a hospital bed, wires and whatnots keeping her alive, broke my heart.

"Alright, Ethan. We're going to take you to the hospital. Your injuries aren't as critical but we should get somewhere safe. I need to ask you some questions as a normal procedure." I nodded. The woman seemed nice enough but I was having a hard time concentrating. "How old are you?"


"And your place of birth?" She was jotting it all down on a sheet of paper, filling out empty boxes with my information.

"Long Valley."

"So, you live here?"

"No, I moved to LA with my girlfriend, my brother and his girlfriend recently." The paramedic helped me up into the back and placed the paper in a file and then into a drawer.

"That's all for now. Have you called someone to meet you at the hospital?" I nodded and pulled the seatbelt across my body. Within 10 minutes or so, we arrived at the entrance. I saw Mom's car parked but I wasn't allowed away from the medic's sight. I was to be x-rayed and checked before being discharged.

Grayson's POV

Even though I wasn't as close as I used to be with Hayden, I was still frightened. I had a past with her; a past that could only be described as intimate. I had done things with her that I hadn't done with Georgie yet. And then the thought of Ethan being near something like that scared me, I didn't actually talk to him on the phone so how was I supposed to know that he was okay. Mom and Dad pulled up as close to the hospital entrance as they physically could and we ran in as quickly as possible. Georgie clenched my hand for support.

"We're here for Ethan Dolan and Hayden Monroe." Mom cried as she talked to the receptionist.

"They've only just arrived so they'll need to be looked at first. Take a seat over there," The dainty woman pointed to the seating area that was filled with coughing children and apprehensive parents. One man was holding his leg, trying not to spew blood everywhere. "and we'll call you over as soon as we get further news. Next, please." She turned her attention to the people waiting behind us. Mom cried into Dad's shoulder and Georgie pulled me aside so that my parents couldn't hear us talking.

"Gray, I know this will come out selfish but I need to get this off my chest." I held her hands, they were cold and trembling. "If something does happen-"

"Which it won't." I interrupted.

"If something does happen, will we stay together? I can't bear the thought of losing you and my best friend."

"Georgie Hudson, you won't be losing anyone, anytime soon." We sat down next to Mom and Dad, who were holding hands. I then thought about Hayden's parents. Georgie had told me that they weren't home but I was wondering if Ethan had called them. Did they even know that their daughter was in a critical condition?

Ethan's POV

I had stitches above my right eye and along my arms, the shards of glass must've come out  and hit me. The female paramedic had left by now and had been replaced by a nurse. She looked young and pale-faced. She was trying to make conversation but Hayden was the only thing on my mind. 

"So, my name's Connie. What's yours?" Her voice had a strong Southern accent. 


"Ethan. That's cute." The room fell silent as she dabbed blood off my upper arm. "Looks like the car blew up like a bitch." She chuckled to herself but I could hardly find the humour in her comment. "Jus' don't worry about your gal too much. She's in some good hans." 

"Okay." I wasn't up for conversation, it wasn't the time.


This was a jumbled up kind of chapter. I don't really do the thing where you switch points of view so tell me what you thought of that. Also, I am trying to drag this book out as long as possible because I am really starting to get invested in Hayden and pretty much all of the characters. At the end, I wanted to make Ethan as blunt and grumpy with Connie as possible because grumpy Ethan has me feeling some type of way that shouldn't be seen as okay. I guess, it's acceptable because the age gap is 2 years. Is it just me that looks at the 16 year olds at my school and think "They do not live up to my expectations at all." The 16 year olds in Britain/my school are not like Ethan and Grayson. Why, Britain, why? 

Vote, comment, do whatever makes you content except from hating because there's tons of drama in the fandom right now and I don't know how to feel about it. I think it's because of this girl that was hating on Ethan's new hair and was saying that we don't know the real Ethan, she does. I don't know. All that I know is that Ethan's hair is so nice and suits him so well. I have always wanted to do something like that with my hair but my school won't allow it but, yeah. Go Ethan, and his blue streak!

Here's a picture of it because everyone needs to see this beautiful sperm/ovary/bunch of chromosomes

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Here's a picture of it because everyone needs to see this beautiful sperm/ovary/bunch of chromosomes. I'll give you a moment to process all.

From Pia :]

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