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Well, dilemma much? To visit the one guy I had feelings for and his awesome twin brother that was like a best friend? Or to not? I knew that if I did, it would end in tears when I left LA. Mom started tapping her foot against the floor, obviously growing impatient. "Okay?" It came out like a question but Mom didn't hesitate in texting Lisa, who responded happily.

"Here you go, I'll just forward her text to you. It's got details about what's nearby as well, how helpful?" I grabbed a piece of toast from the dining table where Dad had migrated to to have his morning coffee, and then proceeded upstairs to pack for the week. I remembered that Georgie liked it when we wore similar clothing, not matching but just similar so I made an effort to not bring my 'weird, emo' clothing as she would call them. Mom's text came through and it had the boy's address. I didn't know whether Lisa had told the boy's that I was visiting so it would be a surprise either way. After some deliberation, I decided to leave it. The twins had probably moved on from me, from whatever I was. When the time came around to leaving for the airport, my heart rate has gone from a normal 80 bpm to more than 200, figuratively not literally.

"Do you need a lift to the airport?" Dad said, leaning against the door frame.

"I was going to get a taxi but that would be great if you could give me a lift." A smile spread across both of our faces as Dad grabbed my carry on and my coat. "Thanks." He placed them in the trunk and waved goodbye to Mom, letting her know that he would be back afterwards.

"So, let's hope the weather in LA is nicer than it was when we last saw it." Dad chuckled with his familiar, warm voice. I could tell that he was finding it difficult to make conversation, I guess me and my parents had been growing distant ever since the twins moved away. They were what kept me happy.

"Listen, I know I haven't been the best daughter and I'm sorry." Dad frowned and moved one hand off the steering wheel to hold mine. "I don't know how to resolve it, Dad."

"Hayden, you aren't doing anything wrong. After this little trip, I know you'll be back better than ever because you would've seen the boys. I knew how close you were with them and it hasn't exactly been easy on you. Just..don't apologise for something you can't control. Don't." A tear threatened to roll down my left cheek but I wiped it away; this was no time for crying. We pulled up at the drop off place in front of the airport and hugged over the gear stick in-between us. "Stay safe and if you see any of our neighbours, run." We laughed because we both remembered how stuck-up the old neighbours were. Thank God for the Dolans, eh?

"I'll send pictures." I waved as I watched Dad's licence plate advance into the distance. I only had a carry on because I didn't need that many clothes for a week and I didn't have enough luggage to fill my suitcase anyways. Going through security and passport control was quick, easy and stress-free unlike every other time I have travelled. Once me and Georgie were flying over to Utah, only a 1 and a half hour journey. We wanted to see The Grand Canyon together but little did we now that every sniffer dog in the entire airport was out to get us. I was checked for drugs four times, Georgie, thrice; never being found guilty. Without any delay, I was on the plane, gazing from my window seat to the much hated New Jersey soil. I longed to feel my home ground beneath my feet, Los Angeles was where I felt at home..where Georgie was. My eyes started feeling heavy so I just let myself fall asleep. Only 5 hours to go.

*Time Skip brought to you by Giff Gaff (what Georgie_Espinosa calls gifs)*

"Ma'am? Ma'am, we've landed and we need to empty the plane." I felt two dainty hands shaking me lightly and my eyes fluttered open to reveal a brunette air stewardess; hair tied into a tight bun and lipstick, red and bold. "There's no need to rush but we thought we should let you know before we take off again." She giggled and moved out the way for me to stand up.

"Sorry." I smiled, apologetically. "Thank you for the flight." I called whilst jogging down the aisle towards LAX, my beloved. As I regained service on my phone, many texts came through. One from Mom and Dad, warning me about stranger danger and the other 23 from Georgie. She was waiting for me at the arrivals exit. I followed the crowd of people towards baggage reclaim but skipped past it because I already had my hand luggage with me. Duty free was bypassed as per usual because I ain't got the money for that shizzle. Soon I was walking out of the arrivals place towards the warm breeze.

"Hayden!" The only words that could describe how I felt are elated, euphoric, overjoyed. Georgie was wearing her hair differently; she usually had a ponytail or bun but her blonde locks were loose and in beach waves. I had forgotten how long her hair was, it bounced around her hips. "Hayden!" She was flailing her hands in all directions and jumping on the spot. I ran towards and as soon as I was about a yard from her, I dropped all my stuff and leapt into her open arms. 

"I've missed you." I mumbled into her hair.

"I've missed you more." She whispered back. As she placed me down (I was a little shorter than her), we got into the Uber that was taking me back to her place. I was listening to all the wondrous things Georgie had done and all that she was planning to do with me once I had unpacked. "What about you?" Georgie nudged my arm.


"Yes, you."

"Well, exams are finished for a while so school has been pretty laid back. There isn't much to do around Long Valley but there's this awesome family next door. I got really friendly with one of the sons but that doesn't matter. I don't know if I'll ever see him again." I twiddled my thumbs, trying not to get into a deep conversation about something that Georgie knows far too much about. Boys.

"There's plenty more guys that are tons better. I'd know. Let's just have a girls evening and catch up." She placed a hand on my knee for support. We exchanged glances and smiled. I was finally back with my best friend.


The next chapter is when things start getting dra-ma-tic. You may need to hold someone's hand tightly because I can already guarantee someone will say something that will either make you cringe or cry. For pretty much this whole book, I have been on and off with Hayden. Sometimes she is a bit like me and then other times, she is totally not. When Hayden didn't want to get steamy with Grayson, I secretly wanted to crack her neck and switch positions. One thing in the next chapter may or may not surprise you but I can assure you that it has been foreshadowed in the previous chapters. Oh, it's all so unknown. Shoutout to Georgie's hair as well because I used it as inspiration for the character's hair. Yes, Geps, I am talking about you ;).

Check out my other book 'Dolan Twins Blurbs' for some short chapters rather than 1000+ frigging words (which is the hardest to write). Also follow me on my social medias to get to know me a little better.

From Pia :]

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