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The next day Mom and Dad came to visit me. Apparently, they didn't know I had been in an accident until Sean and Lisa told them. I guess, thats what you get for sneaking away in the morning. Ethan woke up before me and left a note saying that he was going home to get changed and washed, and that he was going to be back by the 5pm visiting hours. Whilst Mom was brushing my untamed hair, Dad was plumping my pillows. It was as if I was five again.

"Where's Georgie?" I asked once they had finished what was 'necessary'. I took a sip of water and a drop splashed on one of my burns. I hissed in pain as a result.

"She's struggling at the moment. Georgie was very upset by this accident." Mom answered. "You could call her if you want." She handed me the phone and I dialled Georgie's number. It was obvious that she was my only friend because I remembered her number like it was the way home from school back when I was a kid. It rung a few times, which was unusual because she was always on her phone. Georgie picked up after about a minute or so. She sounded tired but relaxed.

"Georgie? Georgie May Hudson?"


"Are you okay?" I realised that was a stupid question. Was she ever not okay? She was Georgie Hudson, for goodness sake.

"I'm fine but what about you?" She was drowsy, either from drugs or sex. I expected that kind of reckless stuff from my best friend.

"Just come to the hospital, I need to speak to you." It was about Brazil. It was obviously about Brazil.

"Fine. but give me about half an hour. I literally cannot move." I hung up and waited for her. Mom and Dad went home to leave me in peace and it took Georgie a lot longer than half an hour to drive to the hospital.

*Time Skip brought to you by 'Why can Georgie barely walk???????'*

"Sorry, Hayden. A lot has been going on at the moment." She looked apologetic but Georgie had always been good at drama in school. She'd aways be able to put on a front.

"With what? What's been on your mind?" I wanted her to be forward with me and to not hold back any lies; I didn't like that in a person and Georgie wasn't one of those people. "You know that you can tell me, right? We are best friends after all."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Well, there was your accident, of course. And that wasn't easy on any one of us. I was arguing with Ethan; well, more like arguing at Ethan."

"That's it?" I sat up in bed and made some room for Georgie on the bed. I didn't want to push it too far but I needed to hear the news about Brazil come from her mouth. Not Ethan's. Not Grayson's. Just her's.

"Yeah, theres something else," I knew she was going to crack after a bit of encouragement. "Last night, me and Grayson were talking and we started kissing. And I may or may not have lost my virginity." My jaw dropped. That was not the news about Brazil. Definitely not the news about Brazil. Holy canoly, that was unexpected. "Please, Hayden, you can't tell anyone. This could ruin everything."

"Explain." Those were the only words that I could choke out. I could hardly imagine my best friend being manhandled by Grayson of all people.

*Flashback begins*

Georgie's POV

After venting to Grayson about Brazil and my parents, we sat up on my spare bed and Gray cradled my body for a few minutes. "I love you so much, you don't even understand it." He whispered.

"Then show me." I replied. I don't know why I said that but I was PMS-ing; girls have their excuses. Grayson caught the hint and pushed me gently down so that he was hovering over me. 

"Are you sure you want this? I mean, I don't want to force-" I interrupted my problematic yet perfect boyfriend by kissing him, straight on the lips. All signs of hesitation or fear had been obliterated in a blink. Grayson lowered himself so all his weight was on his muscular arms beside my head. Despite playing the tough every-guy-likes-me girl but in reality, I had never gone beyond a kiss with any boyfriend. That was the proper reason I split with Alejandro way back; he wanted something that I couldn't deliver. As the kiss deepened, Gray started removing articles of clothing; his shirt, my shirt and then I pulled away. 'Why?' I hear you ask. I was scared, scared of rejection. Grayson deserved something amazing and I dreaded the fact that I wasn't amazing enough. "What's wrong? We don't have to do this."

"No, carry on. I want this to be with you. If I did this with anyone else, it would be stupid. You're my one and only." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I didn't know what lay ahead and how it was all going to unfold. Once we were both completely bare, skin to skin, I realised what I was getting myself into. But it was okay, it was safe. We were using a condom. It was intense, passionate and although adults say that it's a sin, that at our age we shouldn't put ourselves at risk. What adults don't say is that if it's with the right person, it's not 'having sex'. It's 'making love'. It was so much more than just a fling. 

*Flashback ends*

Hayden's POV again

"Oh. My. God." I squealed, trying not to rip off the wires that restrained me out of excitement. "Did Grayson lose his at the same time?" She shrugged then it broke into a rapid nodding. Georgie was as excited as I was. "Ah, that's so cute."

"Do you think Ethan's a virgin?" The room fell silent. I had never really thought about doing the dirty with Ethan.

"I don't know. It's a win-win either way." We both laughed, Georgie clutching her stomach due to the hilariousness of my comment. "If he is a virgin, then we lose it together and it's all cute-sy and clumsy because we both don't know what we are doing. If he's not, well, the experience is brilliant. I like a man that knows his way around a woman."


Woah, getting adult up in hereeeeee!! This was the first time I have ever done a steamy scene and to be absolutely honest, I know it wasn't the best. I am a 14 year old girl, not EL James (author of 50 shades of grey). I apologise if your horny needs were not met, my insurance policy does not cover that. Something has been on my mind for a while now, and it's the freaking international dates. Hopefully, they come out soon because me and Georgie have been planning this present for them for a while and it's pretty cool, even for us. 

Thank you for 500+ reads as well, I remember when I started out this book and it was just for Georgie because she wanted me to start writing again but it has developed and become so much more than just something to shut up Georgie. It is now a book for sharing. Thanks, bups. Vote and comment to get my attention, otherwise I can't thank you for reading. Also add this book to your library and check out my other book 'Dolan Twin Blurbs'.

From Pia :]

PS : I don't know if you have noticed but I have changed the descriptions and covers for both of my books. Yes, I made them myself. It's actually super easy, so if you have a book that you need a cover for, I would be more than happy to help for credit in the description. Thanks :]

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