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We were both in the same position when I woke up; wrapped in Grayson's arms, spooning comfortably. Grayson was still asleep and had small tear stains on both of his cheeks, which I wiped before I walked away from his double bed. No one else was out of bed, so I made a quick move back into my room. I didn't know how Ethan would react if he found me in his twin's bed. My room was still as I had left it but my nightlight had automatically turned off. I climbed back in where I was supposed to be and waited for some movement outside my door. However, I didn't have to wait very long. Within 10 minutes footsteps were going past my door, around the landing and near to the stairs. There was definitely more than one pair of feet moving around, I could tell from the way each person walked, Ethan was often sure-footed and walked with purpose. Grayson would almost always walk with a spring in his step and often diverted in different directions quickly. I smoothed what flyaways were astray and poked my head out of my door. Grayson was just about to walk down the stairs and Ethan was just coming out of the main bathroom. They had both changed out from the pyjamas and were ready for the day and might I add, looking very handsome. I just looked like a raw potato; having no makeup and wearing Spongebob pyjamas was by far the most embarrassing thing I have done in my life.

"Rise and shine, Spongebob." Ethan smiled across to me. He was wearing a grey muscle tee and black shorts that came around 15 centimetres above the knee.

"Did you sleep well?" My insides slowly disintegrated when Gray sent a wink over the banister towards me. he was wearing a yellow sweater that had 'Unity Bay' written across it and some black Adidas track pants.

"I slept fine, thanks. But I woke up once in the middle of the night."

"Oh, really? Why was that?" There was a smug grin plastered onto Grayson's face. He was just trying to get me all nervous and clammy. Hopefully, he didn't know that he succeeded.

"Just had a weird dream, that's all." I retorted unnaturally quickly. The feeling of having two gorgeous boys looking at me, waiting for an answer is one that I would prefer to avoid. Both Dolan's went downstairs and started making breakfast, leaving me on my own to get ready. I threw on some denim washed mom jeans and a black cropped vest. I took my makeup bag and washkit into the bathroom that Ethan left and brushed my hand over the pristine white surface. the mirror hanging above the sink was illuminate with some tiny bulbs around it. My makeup was simply done, just like the day before: foundation, concealer and a few layers of mascara was all I felt was needed around the boys. When I arrived in the kitchen, there was a stack of pancaked laid out in front of the boys. There were various toppings and sauces to add on as well. Once I had taken my seat between the twins, a selection of berries took my interest. "So, how did you two sleep?"

"Literally, like a baby. I haven't slept that well in absolutely ages." Ethan flashed a bright smile and shoved a pancake with some maple syrup into his mouth. He coughed after after swallowing it. "I choked." He said like a 4 year old, causing me and Grayson to erupt in laughter.

"You know, Ethan, how I sometimes talk in my sleep?" His brother nodded. "Well, I did a bit of that last night. Hopefully it didn't wake you up, Hayden." I squirmed in my padded chair. Was he trying to get me to ruin his amazing brotherly relationship with Ethan? "I had this dream where I was spooning with this huge teddy bear, it was the same size as your average girl." Ethan laughed whole-heartedly. I felt so bad for that innocent boy that had no idea what we had been up to. 

"That's nuts, man." Ethan chuckled. We ate the rest of breakfast in a comfortable silence and soon after I decided to make my way home. Mom and Dad still weren't home but I was used to that. My phone started ringing in the bottom of my bag so I rummaged through and checked the caller id. Georgie Jones. 

"Hey, Georgie. How's the whole Alejandro thing?"

"No one cares about that trash, Hayden. I need you to tell me what happened last night. I got a vision." Okay, this is going to sound weird but Georgie was very 'in touch' with her spiritual side. She often got visions or epiphanies of what has just recently happened or will happen. A bit like That's So Raven. I didn't believe all that mumbo-jumbo until Georgie carried on talking. "There was one of the twins in the same bed as you, wasn't there?" I stuttered and moved from one foot to the other. "So, that's a yes. Was he sleepwalking?" I paused again, wondering how she knew all of this stuff. "Yes, that's how you woke up. Oh my, goodness. I can't believe you were in the same bed as the one with highlights. He's cute." She applauded me through the call and then started talking again. "Did you have sex?"

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