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In the late morning, we heard fumbling from the window and the sound of teenage boys arguing. Georgie was the first to rub her eyes and actually move from her bed to see what the commotion was and beckoned me to the window to check it out as well. I caught a glimpse of Grayson hoisting Ethan by the arms up the tree that led to my window. Were they trying to get into my room? Why didn't they just use the front door? The comedic pair must've hear us laughing because they looked up and waved.

"Morning, Spongebob." Ethan called at me. I just shook my head and blew him a kiss. Dating Ethan Dolan came with many things, him being a child and climbing up to your window was one. "We'll be there in a second." My boyfriend promised.

"More like an hour." Georgie teased. "What are you even thinking? When one of you falls and cracks your head, we aren't helping out." She sounded like Mom. The two boys brushed off her comment and continued to give boosts to each other to get further up the tree. "Just give up now, boys." She reached for the branch and shook the tree a little. I pinched her elbow to refrain her from doing any damage.

"They probably have a good reason for coming up. Do you want to murder your boyfriend?" We both laughed and sat on the windowsill, cheering them on. Once the two were just entering the window, they started making plans. We hadn't even got changed out of our pyjamas yet. Grayson wanted to take Georgie out on a date to the local park because that was his favourite place in Jersey. He was going to teach her how to longboard which was the second cutest thing I had ever heard. The first cutest thing was when Ethan told me his plan for our day. He wanted to take this trip to Delaware; a half an hour drive from his house. But he wouldn't tell me what we were doing.

"Wear that baggy sweater, the grey one. That's my favourite." He instructed before leaving. "Meet me at my door in 1 hour." I giggled with excitement and watched Georgie and Grayson walk in the direction of the park until they were out of sight. I decided on Ethan's favourite sweater, some list blue skinny jeans and my Doc Marten boots. We jumped into Sean's back muscle car once Ethan had got his bag ready. I, still, was clueless on what the activity of the day was. I plugged my phone into the AUX cable and started playing all my favourite songs. Ethan had never shared his music taste and I never returned the action so it was interesting to see what he knew off of my playlists. He enjoyed jamming out to pretty much all of my Drake playlist and tapped the steering wheel to The 1975 and Bryson Tiller. "We're arriving in about two minutes so put this around your eyes." Ethan handed me what looked like one of his mom's scarves. It had small pink flamingos, facing different ways on it.

"This got kinky quick." I smirked as I wrapped it round my head and tied it in a bow at the back.

"Oh, shut it." I liked hearing Ethan laugh at the things I said; it showed me that I wasn't so irrelevant after all. "It can be like that if you want it but I really think we should get to Delaware first." Suddenly, all my senses became more alert because I had lost vision. As Ethan ran his hand up my left thigh, I clenched all the muscles in my body, trying not to scream from happiness. The sound of cars passing the windows and the acrid smell of petrol. Petrol?

"Ethan, can you smell that?" I mumbled.

"What?" He turned the volume of the music down.

"I smell petrol. Pull over." I quickly untied the blindfold and unbuckled my seatbelt. Ethan was just looking around the car, disorientated and confused. "Pull over!" I shouted. The whole car jerked to the side of the highway and the car started emitting fumes. "Oh, my." Ethan jumped out of the car and sprinted around to my door.

"Hayden!" My door wouldn't open. For some odd reason, the child lock was on. "Hayden!" Through the shimmer of hot air, I could see tears running down Ethan's face. I was pressing every button in sight, trying desperately to escape certain death.

"Just get away from the car!" I pleaded. Losing my life was one thing but having Ethan lose his too, was too much to bear. "Get away." I remember blacking out just before I was engulfed by flames. The red; the orange; the scorching amber. 



So, the climbing up the tree was cute. Yeah, throughout this whole chapter I was just wondering how Georgie and Grayson's date was getting on. I hope she didn't fall off the skateboard. I'm trying to avoid Hayden's situation right now, I might cry. And, I'm not even exaggerating. I am so emotional about every little thing. I saw Me Before You in the cinema with some friends and I was crying for an hour after the movie finished. I am actually sobbing, I'm not even lying. I just thought this book needed to go on for a bit longer, I couldn't just leave it as happily ever after.

Vote and comment because I need moral support right now and pray for me. I got braces, okay?

From Pia :]

P.S - Georgie May Wells, if you are reading this. Stop freaking complaining about your mouthguard, you do not know pain like this. It's like period x3333333000069

Also, stop complaining about you know who. He loves you. You love him. Your children will be models af. 

If you are not Georgie May Wells and you are reading this, show her some support. Check out her books and just tell her that you know who loves her. Thanks, yo. That was weird. :]

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