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It was suddenly the day that we had to leave and Georgie was making it completely obvious that she was nervous. I thought that she had worked it out with Grayson but I guess not. Her palms were sweating and she was pacing around the living room. Me, being the amazing friend I am, pulled her aside before she got in the cab to get to the airport.

"You don't have to come." I whispered because the boys were staring at us.

"I can't let Gray down. I know that it's going to be difficult but I will just hide in your parents place if anything goes wrong." It made me happy that Georgie thought of my parents as her surrogate parents. She never had parents that devoted that much attention to her because they had so many other children. She was the most independent so they just left her to it. "We should get going otherwise we'll be late. I quickly hugged her and hopped into the back of the mini-van thing. The boys were already making conversation with the driver within 5 minutes and started making jokes about traffic and driving. I plugged in my earphones and prepared for the long winded trip back to Long Valley.

*Time Skip brought to by Cameron Freaking Dolan being Queen*

Once we touched down in New Jersey, we texted Sean and Lisa to tell them that we were safe. We collected the bags and went towards the exit. The four of us were planning to catch a taxi back to theirs but we heard cheers and running from a bench not too far away. "Look." Georgie smiled and pointed at the herd of adults sprinting in our direction.

"My babies!" Lisa cried as she brought her two boys underneath her arms. Sean embraced all of them and lent his head on the top of Lisa's. "We've missed you. How was LA?" They continued their conversation as Mom and Dad swooped me into their chests and did the whole we-missed-you thing.

"Georgie Hudson, you've grown up so much." It wasn't that long ago that my parents had seen Georgie but she had changed a lot. New hair, new fashion sense, new attitude. "You've turned into such a wonderful young woman." My mom hugged her as well and kissed the side of her head.

"It's lovely to see you both as well." She giggled and returned to her boyfriend's side. The two families merged back into one group as Ethan and Grayson introduced Georgie, who was now shifting from one foot to the other out of fear.

"Mom, Dad, this is Georgie Hudson, my girlfriend." Grayson brought her forward and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Goodness, Gray. You made a good choice this time." Their mother applauded her son's choice in women. "I never liked the other girls." She directed at Georgie. My best friend was so awkward; her hand was outstretched and awaiting for someone to shake it. Eventually, Sean shook her hand and then wiped it on his jeans. Her hands always got clammy when she was scared.

"I'm Sean and this is Lisa."

"I've heard a lot about you. All good things." Georgie commented, making everyone chuckle.

"Let's get back. I want Georgie to see my old room." I pleaded with the boys and we took different cars back to our street. Sean, Lisa, Grayson and Ethan were in one car. My parents, Georgie and myself were in the other. Once we had unpacked and had something to drink, we met in the Dolan's living room. "Where's Cam?" I asked Sean, I hadn't seen Cameron since the boys moved to LA and that was a few months ago.

"She's gone to college but she's doing okay. We told her that you guys were visiting and Cam was upset she couldn't make it." We were all sat around the coffee table on sofas and chairs from the dining room. "She's so proud and she misses you a lot." Sean directed the last bit to his sons.

"Tell her that we miss her too." Grayson replied. Soon the conversation was filled with repetition and yawning. You could say it had been a long day. Me and Georgie left to go to the other house and Ethan and Gray stayed in their old bedroom. Us two girls changed into our pyjamas and set up the room so that we could see each other from our beds. We talked about girly stuff, stuff that should never be mentioned beyond the four walls of my bedroom. But then Georgie moved on to quite a serious topic; one I never thought she would think about.

"Do you ever think about you future, Hayden? I mean, not, like, what places you want to see. But what you want to fulfil." She either got very contemplative or hyper when she was tired and tonight wasn't going to be one of those where I have to restrain her. She was just deep in thought, which I found adorably funny.

"I can't say I have. What about you?" We were both lying on our backs, facing the ceiling, tracing the invisible lines with our eyes.

"Well, of course I have. It's me we're talking about." I silently laughed to myself. Georgie wasn't wrong. "I hope that Grayson is in my future. To be honest, I can't imagine life without him. I can't imagine life without everything perfectly in place; you with Ethan, me with Gray, living in a small but comfy apartment. And, I know, I'm only young but, I don't know. I love him so much. I just get scared that I might lose everything."

"Georgie Hudson, you don't need to be afraid. As long as I am still alive and kicking, you are not losing Grayson. I won't let you to separate." We both laughed but it came to an abrupt halt when Georgie shut off completely. "Well, good conversation. Screw you." I joked to myself because you know who was in a sudden deep slumber.


I got braces a few days ago and if you think retainers/blocks are painful, think again. This is a 7/10 constantly pressing on my teeth. My life. On a happier note, it's nearly the summer holidays. Unfortunately this means THE FUN RUN and SPORTS DAY. The school bigs it up like it's something we'll miss when we leave school but it's really not. I'm going to have to find some way of getting out of it. Maybe running around naked in the rain? Will that give me some sort of illness? Or maybe stabbing myself repeatedly with a fork in my shin? That could impair my ability to go to school, right? Ugh, I an't even think about those events without wanting to gouge my eyeballs out. Sorry for the extremely vivid demonstration but, how else can I convey this deep hatred?

Vote for this chapter is you are enjoying this book and leave a comment or two about something irrelevant. Because I really enjoy wasting time on things that don't mean a thing. Cool beans. #prayforpiaandherbraces

From Pia :]

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