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*Time Skip brought to you by Grayson's chicken legs*

It had been a whole freaking week since I had faced either one of the twins; I was just too nervous for the ton of questions that could possibly be thrown at me. Unfortunately, seeing them would be inevitable that day. Sean and Lisa asked our family to go round because they were debating something with their kids and needed a third party. I would've been less worried about going if Mom hadn't invested in some pants that she thought were really trendy; "They're poop catchers, dear." She explained to Dad when he expressed his confusion. She played with the large amount go material in between her legs.

"No, Mom. They're MC Hammer pants." I placed my black trucker cap over my bed hair and followed Mom and Dad next door. Lisa opened the door a few minutes after we had knocked and her face was blotchy. She fell into Mom's open arms and started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Thank you for coming, take a seat in the living room." Lisa sniffled quietly. I walked in first and, without even making eye contact, could tell that Ethan and Grayson were looking at me. On one side o the coffee table was Sean and Cameron, on the other side were the twins. "We are torn," Lisa started but her voice cracked from underlying tears, Sean took over.

"Ethan and Gray are thinking about moving away. This is because of their past here in Jersey." I was suddenly interested in what they had to say. To be fair, I thought we were just going round there for a quick, light hearted, meaningless conversation. Lisa tapped me on the shoulder and offered me a dining room chair that she had brought me. Mom and Dad were already sat down and listening. "Me, Lisa and Cameron aren't sure about this so we thought you're opinion might help. Do you think it's safe for two 16 year olds to move across the country?" I was stunned, the twins and I had just started to get really close and now they wanted to move away? My selfish trait was definitely kicking in but I didn't care, Ethan and Gray were my closest friends (location wise and emotionally). Mom chose to make the first comment, she usually did that in every situation.

"Well, that's hard. We have an older son that moved away when he was 19 but he had no other choice really. Boys," She turned her attention to the teenagers sitting with their heads down. "Are there any other reasons you want to move?" It made me confused as to why Mom had got out o the habit of avoiding the unspoken Sam truth. The twins looked at each other as if choosing who would answer her. Grayson gestured for his brother to do the talking.

"We've got some friends over there and we'd just prefer to life as young adults and not like kids anymore. We'll still be coming back every so often, we just won't be around the make the house stink. Ethan had obviously planned the way he was going to word everything because of how fluently it flowed from his pink lip. He tapped his left foot frantically on the floor boards whilst waiting for my Mom to answer.

"I think that you should go for it. It'll be making awesome memories that you can one day share with your kids and grandkids." Honestly, I have never ever wanted to slap Mom more than I did when she said that. Of course, she wasn't to know that I slept with Grayson and wanted them to stay because you're only friends with the world's cutest guys once, right? "As long as you two keep your apartment clean, you keep showering and buying groceries and you stick together, you should be absolutely fine. Hayden, what do you think?" I was suddenly the deer in headlights, their eyes being the headlamps on the car about to smash into my side. You could almost say that I was roadkill. From the left, right and centre, eyes bored into me, awaiting an 'honest' attitude.

"Yeah." was all I could choke out. "Yeah." Really, Hayden, when did you get so cool?

"Okay, we'll sort the transactions tomorrow." Lisa informed her sons. Cameron just twiddled her painted thumbs, seeming completely unfazed by the whole thing. I didn't know how she ever kept her cool in times like those. "Thank you, guys. The boys have been thinking about this for quite a while and we thought it was time to get the air cleared. With every word anyone said, I could feel my stomach sinking. But it wasn't a small tingle, it was as if the weight of the world was dragging my inside down.

"Would you like to stay for a drink?" Sean stood up and pointed to the kitchen.

"Oh, why not?" Dad laughed. The feeling in my lower body was growing and growing by the second so I pulled Mom to the side and whispered how I needed to go home.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Don't you want to stay to chat with Edward and Gregory." She was always bad at names but good with first letters. I shuffled from one foot to the other, why did Mom never understand? "Is it your period? I'm sure Cameron has a tampon or something." I shook my head.

"I feel sick, Mom. Please, I need to go home. Just tell Lisa I have some homework." I didn't wait for an answer, I just rushed past her and out of the Dolan household. Some noise came from inside, the twins were calling my name.

"Hayden?" Grayson's voice was strong but comforting at the same time but, still, I kept running. Once I was in bed and hiding under the covers, the feeling started to drift away. That was until I head Grayson's voice coming from my window. "Hayden?" I lifted the duvet off of my head and frowned at the boy that was entering my window.

"How did you climb up?" I stifled a laugh.

"I'm secretly a ninja." He replied, running a hand through his tousled hair and walking over to me. "May I?" I gestured to get under the covers with me.

"Close the window first." Shivers went up my spine, not from the draft (the window was now closed), but from the way Grayson snaked his hand around my stomach and brought me into his chest. "So, about last week." I realised it was time to get that subject out of the way otherwise there would be weird tension if we ever did 'do it'.

"Listen, you were being girls. Remember that I have a sister and she has some weird phone calls with friends." His voice was low and hushed as if he only meant to talk to me, no other guy had ever treated me this way. "I wasn't weirded out, I just found it funny." There was a comfortable pause and what Grayson did next caused a spark to run through my entire body. He kissed my neck. "I really like you, Hayden."

"I like you too, Gray." Another pause caused a question to crop up in my mind. "So when do you move?" Grayson sighed and squeezed me, I could feel his toned muscles through his t-shirt.

"I leave tomorrow."


Okay, I ain't gonna name no names because of privacy but I have this friend. She is honestly one of the best people I know and she knows who she is. Do you know when you have a friend and she means so much to you it's unbearable? Well, this is the situation. Sometimes, other people come in between our friendship and it gets hard to stay close but when we see each other, it's as if we were never apart. I love this kid and, even though I ma not show it, she means a lot to me. She has shaped me into a better person and through her I have learnt how to be myself and how to be okay with that I can't thank her enough. She has made me realise what a gift it is to be able to make, keep and obtain friendships. If I were to lose this kid, I don't what I would do. I'm putting this in my author's note because I want you to think of that one/two person/people that have impacted you and I want you to show them how much they mean. I don't mean for you to go out and get them a huge bar of chocolate, money isn't the way to impress someone. Invite them round your place for a movie night (watch Bo' Selecta - awesome show btw) or even just give them a quick text/call just explaining why you like them. It can brighten their day without you even knowing it. I guess this is all coming out in this because I am hormonal and on my period (tmi? tmi.), but I have deep and meaningful thoughts when I am having mega discharge. My next author's note will be something a bit less deep if you want. Aha.

Leave a comment on this chapter if you want to know what Hayden's reaction is. Tbf I haven't even planned out the next chapter. Also check out my other book about the Dolan twins. It's a blurb book so it's shorter and easier to read. Yeah, vote as well if you are enjoying the book so far and want me to do one after it.

From Pia :]

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