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The day after Ethan and Grayson left, it was as if my family had never even met the Dolan's. The only reason I would go round their place would be to see the twins, but they had moved away. Online school became extremely boring; exams were long winded and tiresome but what would an exam be without that? Everyday seemed to be a repeat of the one before. Wake up, eat breakfast, do school, read blogs, eat dinner and then sleep. Pretty basic, huh? Georgie had suddenly grown distant. Obviously Alejandro wasn't such a problem anymore. That's what I thought until she called me late on a Friday evening.

*Time Skip brought to you by Scooter and Bruno*

"Hayden? I'm so glad you picked up." I sighed, knowing that Georgie was trying to get something out of me. "You're okay?"

"I guess so, why are you calling?" I shifted in my bed, away from my laptop, to get closer to the window. The service in Long Valley was terrible.

"Well, I heard that Ethan and Grayson moved away so I was wondering if you want to come and stay in my apartment. We haven't seen each other in ages." Her tone was patronising and scornful but, being me, I agreed. I agreed because I had no other friends and however many times I wanted to let Georgie go, I was never able to. You'd only understand if you were as isolated as I was.

"Fine, when are you free?" I squinted through the darkness to check what days I was free on my calendar. I chuckled to myself, knowing that I was going to be free everyday as long as Ethan and Grayson weren't around.

"I'm free from tomorrow until next Thursday. Oh my goodness, you could stay for a week. We might as well make the most of you being in LA." I worked out the practicalities in my head; 6 hour plane journey to see Georgie was worth any sum of money. I leant against the window and watched as a dark cloud crept above our portion of Jersey. Rain started pattering on the roof, placing a peaceful atmosphere everywhere. To be honest, I hadn't felt that tranquil since..LA. "So, what do you think?"

"Sure, when should I fly out?" I traced the path of the raindrops with my finger, awaiting an answer.

"Tomorrow? I have been looking at flights anyways and there is one tomorrow afternoon. You can uber to my place and meet my new boyfriend." She sounded so excited. Usually I was the one keeping the friendship going; Georgie didn't need me. But for once, she was firing what was once an almost dead flame. "I'll even pay if you want me to."

"Oh, no. You don't need to do that. I'll book the cheapest seats in a second." I could hear whispering on the other end and Georgie started giggling the way she does when she's putting on a front. "Well, I guess I should go. It's pretty late anyways." The giggling continued, leaving me to end the conversation. "Bye." No one replied. I plugged my phone into the wall and went into the position that I normally slept in; imagining someone spooning me from behind. A tear slipped down my cheek, I didn't even know why I was crying so I wiped it away. I pretended that everything was fine because that's all one can do in a time of turmoil. My mind was racing with all the things I needed to do. Ugh, responsiblities. I grabbed my laptop from my bedside table's bottom draw and started looking through cheap flights to LA. The ticket was easy to buy, I had done a lot of traveling with Georgie before we were separated.

*Time Skip brought to you by 4OU*

In the morning I checked all the notifications on my wall; emails, texts etc. There was an email confirming my flight at 4pm and a few more from websites that I subscribed to unknowingly. I could hear pots and pans being moved around downstairs, signing that Mom and Dad were awake so I made my way to them. I thought that they were cooking but instead they were just moving things around for the sake of moving things. I guess as you get old, you enjoy some variety in your life.

"I'm flying to LA later on." I said casually, seeing if they were engrossed in their spring cleaning enough to care. Both adults looked up from where they were sat, thankfully.

"Oh, are you visiting the boys?" Mom sounded rather sprightly for 9am on a Saturday. 

"What boys?" I didn't know that 'the boys' had moved to Los Angeles. "Ethan and Grayson moved to LA?"

"Yes, Lisa told us. She even has their address. She can text it to you, if you want to visit them?"


I am so sorry for not updating, I know that I suck balls and that I should go die in a hole before you say it. I wish I had an excuse but I really don't, I guess updating hasn't been a priority. However, this is all changing. Exam season is over and that means I have barely any homework and I can write instead of revising. Isn't that great? Also, I really just want to get this book over and done with because I have been brainstorming ideas for my next fan fiction. I feel like a shorter one would be easier to write but a longer one is more enjoyable to plan out and share so let me know what you think. Also I need help choosing a fandom to do it on so I will comment the ones I am considering and comment what you want.

- Dolan Twins

- The Janoskians

- Dan and Phil

- 5SOS

- No Fandom, just a normal fiction

Vote for this chapter if you want to see regular updates and help me choose what to do next because this one is ending soon. Actually, I don't know when it's going to end, we'll have to see. 

From Pia :]

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