Chapter Eight ~ Patellar

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(I personally, hated writing this chapter. I hate hate hate hate it. But the story demands it, so I present it. Enjoy.

~Penelope Scott<3 )

~ Dae's Perspective ~

My breath stiff as boards and skin on edge as I watched the old man plead to me to turn away. He begged and wailed and tears fell like waterfalls. He begged for my innocence.

But I couldn't look away. His pale eyes burning into mine with such worry. I couldn't look the other way. I can't.

Another guard in white walked over to the old man, a small blade in his palm that he gripped loosely. The two holding the old man straightened him up to a standing position and the guard with the blade cut twice behind each leg.

The old man howled and fell to his knees, cringing more. He fell to his side as the blood escaped him, gushing out and pooling red.

The guards picked him up once more but he couldn't stand on his own anymore. They knew that. They forced his legs straight even though his tendons were severed. The man shrieked and bellowed in immense pain.

I moved forward to help him but was pulled back by my own pair of guards, whom held my head in place looking right at the old man. There was no escaping this torture.

The guard with the blade wiped it off on the old mans clothes, stalid, emotionless. Dead. With his merciless eyes, the guard looked him over then he tightened his grip on the blade then cut vertically down one side of the old mans neck and then the other side. The old man didn't scream.

I struggled and fought the Suits holding me till I broke free of one of their white gloved hands. With my free hand I grabbed the weapon from the mans holster and fired it.

One, two, three shots.

One, two, three pools of blood.

One, two, three, four thuds against the floor.


And I did.


I couldn't breathe. Calm down calm down calm down. Don't stop till you're out. Breathe. much....white.

I stopped. Falling in a bloody heap in the street. Tears swelling body aching. What the hell just happened.....


I only choked.

Looking ahead of me with blurry eyes, more white. But stained. Littered the cracked black top and pooled in puddles of deep red. The suits.

I strained for air.

No no no no no.

I ran again, down the road and into the alley way. Busting through the purple door with a 'R' etched into it. I fell. Toppling over furniture that had been turn led over. I screamed ,yelled, begged, pleaded for some one to come out. But no one was there.

Looking around, I saw bare feet under a large couch. I pulled it off, grunting and huffing, to reveal Mia. In her back, a small spear like object and a small reddish black puddle surrounding her small frame. Her face was bruised and beaten, hair matted and chunks of it laying around the room. Her fingernails hung loosely from her fingertips, the blood dried and caked on. She died fighting.


I ran to my room, ripping frantically through drawers. Where where where where.


I froze. A small girl who looked about sixteen was staring at me. Her hair platinum white and her blue eyes sorrowful. Standing in mere cloths and bandages that dripped with red.

I don't know that girl, but she's a reflection.

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