Stinky's Hat (Hank Saga Story #8)

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A story about true friendshipish and I think there's a rubber band in this story somewhere also...or maybe not...I mean there could be...but...I don't remember...

Stinky's Hat – By: D.e.e.L Copyright 2012

"Hey Stinky!"

"Hey there Cutie McDanny!"

"Oh...umm...yea...hi. hat?"

"This old thing? No way! I've had it for weeks!"

"Four weeks?"

"No, for weeks..."

"So a month?"

"No...only for a few weeks."

"Four...a few...alright so like six months?"

"Slightly correct."

"Fantastic! So can I see what's under it?"

"Under my hat? You know I'm never seen without a hat on."

" maaaaay I see?"

"No way!"

"Pshh, I already know what's under it anyways..."

"How? Nobody knows!! Tell me what you know!"

"Well...There was this one time when I was within this moment and I saw something during the seconds of the moment that were happening this one time when I saw you take your hat off for a second to brush your hair. I noticed you combing your flowing locks of hair with the Golden Comb of Aruhotenoforthis when I noticed something else within this moment of noticing several different things at once, which lead me to climb on top of the rack in which we keep the various assortments of trays on and use it as a leaping point. I leapt off the rack and bumped my head into the ceiling and fell crashing into your gorgeous locks. I awoke many moments later and saw myself in a world of..."

"Is this story going to take much longer? I'm attending a class with some of the other employees to learn how to spell the word "Ladle". I've heard it has two D's, but I think that is just a rumor."

" takes me about twenty to thirty minutes to write a story like this, so if you're standing here as I'm writing it then it will most likely take that long for you to sit here and listen, because that is how long it is lasting within this time I am creating, but if I write it down and you read it later, then it should take less than 5 minutes to finish reading, unless you spend some of that time trying to figure out what this says Rutriantwonottopabovethefloortoholdacountertopwhatiamtriantwosayquestionmikebecausemarkisonvacation."

"Uhh...I don't know twelve."

"Post-dicament. Now sit down and listen!!!!!!"

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Do you need to use the bathroom before I start again?"

"Well...I did...but then you yelled...and...suddenly I'm fine!"

"Alright good. I'll grab the 'Floor slippery when wet" sign and get started."

" more orange juice for me."

"Sooooo, there I was in the middle of the top of your head within all of your hair! I looked to the right, but there was nothing there, so I looked to the left, and there was all sorts of fun stuff!

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