Chapter Twenty One

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For the next couple of minutes, we lied on the floor, whilst I was shirtless, as it was across the room. Brittany's hair covered her face, as I was drenched in sweat. I stare at the wall, but the only thing I could think of is us: me and Brittany.
Things did get steamy between us.....
I remember Brittany pushing me against the wall, killing me with her soft touch, and ripping my top off. I took her bottle of water and it sort of spilt on top of us, and then we went completely bonkers, by her giving me a piggy back and we galloped all over the room, dying with laughter.
She has the greatest smile...
But then, I jumped off, and she starts to kill me with her soft lips again, as The Weeknd album played on the stereo. She then pushed me towards the benches, and we kill each other with kisses. Pinch me, I must be dreaming....
Now, a few moments had passed and we are passed out on the floor. We giggled to ourselves, as I stare at Brittany, who's face was flushed.
"Tell me you didn't feel the same.", she said softly after a while. "I dare you to."
I sighed deeply. "I would've stopped you if I didn't."
She then rolled over and leaned in, and her soft lips were in contact with mine, but something was wrong: Trent.
"What about your fiancé?", I asked her, full of confusion. "What if he finds out?"
"Who cares?", she said carelessly. "It's not like he will. And anyway, I rather be here with you than him." She kissed me again, her soft, silky lips lighting me up inside, but I still felt uneasy about Trent. Mum told me never to be 'the other woman' in anyone's relationship, after what happened with dad, but I was convinced that I would never be in one, not like this is.
But, he left us......what does that mean for me?
For the first time ever, I'm going to have to say no to Brittany.
"No.", I whispered loudly. "I can't let you do this to him."
She gave me a puzzled look. "But I thought that this is what you wanted."
"Course it is! But I can't let you cheat on him. I'm sorry, Brittany, but I don't want to be the other woman."
She rolled her eyes, and immediately got up, angrily grabbing her things and not giving me a second glance.
"Please don't go!", I pleaded.
"What? You turn me on, then you turn me away. Figure out what you want already!"
"I know what I want!"
"Then what is it?" She walked towards me, her eyes pleading at me to tell her the truth.
I want her...
"You.", I whispered, but I instantly regretted it afterwards. "You."
"I want you too.", she said. "There's something I need to tell you first." She sat down next to me, and sighed. "I don't love him."
"What?", I exclaimed.
"I really don't. The thing is, my parents think that he is right for me, but he isn't, he just isn't."
"So, what happens now?"
She sighed. "I'm sorry, Amber, I really am, but we need to call this whole steamy thing off for a while."
"Oh.", I said, as the wave of disappointment drowned my heart. Just oh.
"I'm sorry, Amber."
"It's fine. Really, I understand.", I assure her. I then read a text from Penny as I went to pick up my shirt after the fun we had. I gave Brittany her glass of water, and read the text:

Held up at work. Little late tonight.

I then receive an notification about the lack of storage I have on my phone, but it was because of one thing:
The recording!
"Britt?", I said, as she stopped and turned around.
"Do you mind if we go to the horse stable?"
"Not at all."
"There's something I need to tell you."

I then play the recording as we stood near the gate, and she stared at the floor, not saying a word. After it stopped playing, she looked up at me, clearly speechless.
"Wow.", she stammered. "Just. Wow."
"I'm really sorry.", I said sympathetically.
Please let us be back on! You turn me on like a magnet!
If that's a thing....
"No worries.", she giggled nervously. "I'll bash that good for nothing jerk!"
He then walks in the stable, with a witty smirk on his face, and placed a kiss on her neck. She then moved away, as he looked at her confused.
"How's it going, Amber?", he asked me, flashing his pearly white teeth.
"Don't speak to her.", she said quietly, and slowly took the phone out of my hand. She then played the recording, to an shocked and stunned Trent, and he also looked embarrassed and ashamed.
"How could you do this to me!", she yelled, sounding devastated.
He cleared his throat, and attempted o speak. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.
"There's nothing to say.", she said. "We're through!"
"Wait!", he yelled. Brittany turned round, raising her eyebrow at him.
"What? Just go."
"It was a joke, alright? I would never do that to you."
Erm, what?
He walked up to her, and stroked her hair. "Tell me why I have been running to you for the past few years. Love! That's what I feel for you. This crazy chick totally have a  crazy and weird crush on you, so she's obviously tried to sabotage us. Just think about it! I planted a booby trap, and it worked! It's obvious that she has a crazy crush on you, and do anything to ruin what we have!"
I opened my eyes and stared at reality. How could he? Brittany then gave me a blank look, and then sighed at Trent.
"I'm sorry.", she whispers, and gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then he walks away, with a smug grin that is plastered across his face. Brittany then stares at the distance, puzzled and shell shocked about what just happened.
"Unbelievable!", she yelled after a long and uncomfortable pause. "What a manipulative bitch!"
"I know.", I jumped in. "Such a fool."
She then slowly turned towards me with a blank expression. "I was talking about you Amber!"
"He's right. You would do anything for love at this point, but you refused to let it go. When somebody doesn't want you, move on already!"
"But everything you said! Everything we did!"
What the hell is happening?
"I'm sorry that we all can't be gay like you. And anyway, it was out of pity, and you lead me on!"
"I certainly did not! You need to figure out what you want!". I was close to tears. Why was she being like this?
Why is the world being like this?
"I'm sick of this, Amber!", she yelled. "I'm sick of your sick, twisted skull!"
"I'm the twisted one?"
"He's lying! It's obvious! He doesn't want you, he wants money! Reputation! Higher standards!"
"I don't want to here this anymore.", she snapped. "In fact, I never want to see you ever again."
"Just go away, you creep!"
"Rot in hell, you manipulative bitch!" Within that said, she was gone, leaving me heartbroken in the barn.

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