Chapter Twenty Nine

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I want a next round. I demand one. She pinned me against the wall and her kisses melted into my tanned skin. I felt it. She did too. We were in the state of undress at the end.

I wake up in a state of undress, as the golden sun streamed into my eyes. I then look next to me, and I found that Brittany's eyes pierced into mine, with a seductive smile on her face. The dirty rag managed to cover us, and our hair was covered in hay. I then realise that we weren't wearing a thing, and there were no bottles or alcohol next to us.
Phew! What a night!

"Morning, smiley.", she said, giggling, and she leaned over to kiss me again, her soft, smooth lips in contact with mine. "Had a good night?"
"The best.", I replied, and gave her a warm smile. "How are we going to get out of here if we're not wearing anything?"
"We'll find a way.", she said.
"Where are our clothes?"
"The horses got hold of them last night."
"So we're stuck?"
She grinned. "With each other, for a very long time."

"So what does that mean?"

She grinned. "We can have another round."

She kissed me again and again, her soft lips colliding with mine, and she pressed her warm body into mine. Her touch burnt into my skin, as she wrapped her leg around mine, until I reached for my phone, and found that I had eight missed calls and four unread text messages from mum, and two missed calls and a few text messages from Penny.

Where r u?
Plz call me back.
I'm getting worried.
This isn't funny, young lady! Come home! I'll give you an old fashioned spank on your bottom if you don't come home this instant!


I softly push Brittany off me, and I try to return her calls, but she wouldn't pick up. Brittany looked at me, worriedly.
"What's up?", she asked, concerned.
"It's my mum. I haven't got back to her last night. I tried to call her, but she ain't picking up."
"Oh.", she said. "Guess you're stuck with me much longer."
"Yeah!", I said, and she pressed her soft lips onto mine again. She trapped my leg with hers, and pressed her body onto mine, harder this time, and it causes me to moan. The thing is, I didn't moaned with pleasure; I moaned with worry.
Okay, a bit with pleasure. I can't help myself when it comes to her!
"Brittany.", I said, struggling to get her large but gorgeous body off me, although that I didn't want to, so I let her stay. She then pressed her lips on my neck, and she pressed her body harder onto mine, and I wrapped my arms around my neck, but my mum's worry were stuck on my mind.

A bucket of wet water splashed all over us as we stood up. Brittany then pressed her lips on mine again, her hands fiddling with my hair, and she then picked up the rag, and made a dress out of it and made me put it on. Then, there was a knock on the door as she burnt me with her tenderly touch, and we both jumped as the person knocked again.
"I can't get enough of you, Amber.", she whispered in my ear, and giggled.
"Me two.", I said, and our lips collided again, lost in the passion and our soft and tender touch. The person then knocked again, making us jump.
"Who is it?", she asked awkwardly, hiding behind a horse, which cause me to giggle slightly.
"It's Robert. Let me in!"
Oh. Her little brother.
"It's open!", she said, running to the door to unlock it quietly. She ran back behind the horse, and he entered the barn. I quickly his behind a stack of hay, and I could tell that he was confused and lost.
"Sis!", he asked. "Are you there?"
She hesitated. "Yeah.", she answered.
"Well, I need the keys to the tractor for dad. Have you seen it?"
Brittany flashed me a worried and stuck look, and I thrust the keys at her as it sledded across the floor. She picked it up, and threw it at him.
"Thanks.", he said, playing with the keys. He then frowned at the horse and bent his head to the side. "Why are you hiding behind Wilbert?"
She laughed awkwardly. "Please get some clothes from my closet. Two t shirts and two jeans and pairs of socks."
"Please just do it!"
He ran quickly, and closed the door behind him. We both jumped out of hiding, and laughed.
"Wow.", she said. "If we could pull off something like that, then we could hang here more often!" She then picked up big pieces of hay, and placed them at the centre of her breasts. She picked up another dirty rag, and wrapped it around he waist, and did a catwalk across the barn, and struck a seductive pose. I laughed as she ran up to me, and pressed her lips onto mine, and we leaped onto the floor again. I then pressed my body onto hers, and I sunk my lips into hers, until the barn door opened, which made us jump. I rushed behind the big stack of hay, and she rushed behind Wilbert the horse, and Robert appeared behind the door.
"Here's the clothes.", he said, and placed them on Wilbert. He ran off, and she grabbed the clothes off the horse, and threw a pair of black jeans and a red polo top and thick black socks at me.
"Thanks.", I said as I put them on.
"You can keep them.", she said, as she out on her thick pink socks and blue jeans and a casual green top. "This is the last time I'm having sex in the barn."
"Woah! That's quite big."
"Yeah. We'll have it in another barn!", she laughed, and she wrapped her arms around me and our lips collided once more.

"You're like twenty hundred hours late.", mum said as I entered my house. "Where the hell were you? It's half eleven! Breakfast would be finished by now!"
"Sorry.", I apologised, and dived into the bacon butty, savouring each mouthful. Mum then bent her head to the side, frowning.
"What's with the clothes?"
I froze. "What do you mean?"
"Those clothes. You don't shop from the department store."
"I do."
"Well I never seen those clothes before. And what is that on your neck!"
"What's what?"
"That red thing on your neck?"
I hesitated. "A rash."
"It wasn't there yesterday."
"Well it's there now. We need to go to the pharmacy to get some cream for it."
I eat my breakfast, hoping that I didn't have to remove the lipstick mark and the love bite from Brittany. I then get up after breakfast, and fetched the post.
"Mum! I've got the post!", I yelled as I skipped into the kitchen, and found her clutching my phone in her hand, with exploding venom eyes and an angry mask. I then hear Brittany's voice, but it came from the phone.

Last night was so hot. Would've said that we've broken the bed, but we did it on in the barn, the way you make me feel is so hot, Amber Dande! I love you so flipping much! Meet me later, yeah? And you can kiss me again, you naughty monkey wretch!


Amber's Heart| ✓ (2016)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora