Chapter Six

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"No," Great Aunt Annabelle said the next morning, shaking her head, "we are certainly not visiting your Mother."

It was breakfast time. We were having Great Aunt Annabelle's delicious oatmeal, with fruit and sugar sprinkled on top at the table. The best thing about Great Aunt Annabelle staying here, is that we get delicious food, with no chickpea whatsoever. However, there are plenty of worse things; she forces me do chores, we had to watch Antiques Roadshow and Songs Of Praise, no daily trash like Geordie Shore and Made in Chelsea and The Kardashians, and she's making me complete all my assignments I've got during the Easter holidays up to her standard. She also forces me to spend the morning on the farm, planting crops and pulling weed, pulling muscles in my back furthermore.

As we were at the table, eating breakfast, I was quick to notice how the kitchen isn't in a mess. I only have two bowls to wash, then I can read the final chapter of my novel. But since Mum got arrested, I have been begging Great Aunt Annabelle to let me visit her, and it always ended in a heated argument since she always says no.

She's asking for it now.

I sighed, irritated that she could be so cold and selfish. No, she is cold and selfish! I was ready to roll up my sleeves and tie my hair in a ponytail, not caring about her stupid age. She might be in her seventies or eighties or nineties for all I know, since i really don't know since she won't tell me since it's 'disrespectful'.

People like her makes me want to knock them out stone cold.

I really wanted to swing a punch at her, and watch her moan in pain whilst her teeth fall out of her mouth. Man, I really wanted her to suffer. Wow. Who am I turning in to? Maybe it's the anger at my Mum's hurt making me this way? Surely it is.

"Why!", I shouted, slamming my fists onto the table as I rose, "why won't you let me see her?"

"Gosh!", she yelled, going red in the face, "don't you ever learn? She needs to learn the lessons for herself! What she did was wrong, really wrong, and I am willing to disown her!"

"She needs someone! She needs me!"

"She needs to take responsibility and punishment for her actions! No!"

I sighed, close to losing my patience with her. "What would you do if your Mum was in prison?"

"She wouldn't be, God rest her soul, as she knew from right and wrong."

I got up, and shook my head. I was fuming with anger, also angry and exasperated at the fact that everything is so complicated. and I slammed my door as I stormed out, ignoring Great Aunt Annabelle's protests and orders.

I wait inside the prison. I shiver as I sit down in the waiting hall, my arms trembling in fright. I wait anxiously, and I saw her. I freaked out a little. I imagined her looking all beat up and her face full of blood and bruises, and also tear stained. But, she looked more confident, her hair was tied in a ponytail, and there wasn't even a single scratch on her body. She walked in, and her face lit up when she saw me. She sat down, and she smiled at me.

"You haven't been visiting lately."

"Sorry.", I said. "Great Aunt Annabelle is looking after me."

She gasped. "So much sympathy."


We sat in silence, and then Mum held out her hand, prompting me to take it. She squeezed it, and placed it near her chest.

"Why?", I asked my Mum. "Why kill him?"

She sighed. "He was damaging you. How long have he has been doing this to you?"

I bit my lip. "Few years now."

"Years?", she gasped, tears filling her eyes, "and Where was I? How come I couldn't protect you?"

I shrugged, close to tears myself. She was right. Where was she? Can I turn my back on my mum now? No. But I know that there are some anger and disappointment in me as I face her. She was supposed to protect me, and nurture me, and she didn't do that.

That guy is slimy. He would give me a nickname, he would harass me in a ridiculously weird way, and he would do what normal paedos would do. I sobbed as she cried into the table, still holding my hand. Part of me wanted to let go, yet part of me couldn't bring myself to do it. I slowly let go as visiting time was over, and I didn't look back a soon as I left.

I return home, only to find that the house was empty. I look around the house. All of Great Aunt Annabelle's stuff was gone. I smile to myself as I relaxed on the sofa, relieved, tilting my head backwards, closing my eyes.

But, someone was here. Someone was in the kitchen, fiddling with plates, pans and pots. I peeped into the kitchen minutes later, and I saw this woman, with long, brown hair full of volume, and she has a heart shaped face. She was dressed in a brown suit, and was sipping coffee near the kettle, despite her neatly done lipstick which was purple. She looked up at me, and put the coffee down, and gave me a wide smile.

"Hello," she said, " you must be Amber?"

I nod, helping myself to a glass of water.

"My name is Penny," she said, "I will taking care of you until your Mother comes out of prison, which won't be for a long time, hopefully. I hope that I will enjoy my stay!"

Oh great.



Edited 07/01/18

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