Chapter Twenty Two

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Today was my first day back at school, so the updated might get even slower, so sorry :( x


It had been a fairly normal few weeks, nothing out of the ordinary happened. We got called to Death Eater meetings a few times during school, but it was nothing a few excuses and Snapes help couldn't fix.

Draco and I had been spending a lot of time in the room of requirement working on our assignments. He would work on the cabinet with a little help from me while I would work on ideas for my part of the plan.

It was all going pretty well I thought. And our relationship was never better, emotionally and physically, if you know what I mean. I had also been making time to spend with my friends too, so they didn't feel ignored.

It was getting very close to christmas, and there was snow on the ground pretty much constantly. Draco decided to take me to Hogsmeade, and I thought it would also be a perfect oppurtunity to try my first attempt at the plan.

I patted the brown paper package in my coat pocket as we strolled into The Three Broomsticks, hand in hand.

We spent some time chatting and drinking our butterbeer, like any normal couple. When we were about to leave, I gave Draco a warning to what I was about to do.

"Be careful." He hissed under his breath.

I casually walked into the bathroom right after Katie Bell, a quiet Gryffindor girl. I pinned her up against the wall, right after locking the door.

"Imperio" I whispered. She went kind of slack under my grip.

"Take this package right to Professor Dumbledore. Do not open it, under any circumstances. Deliver it straight to him, okay? It is very important."

I let her go, unlocked the door, and she wandered out. The curse worked so that she wouldn't remember afterwards.

I left it a few minutes before I exited the bathroom. I shrugged on my coat and left with Draco, as if nothing happened.

We were ambling back to Hogwarts when we heard an ear-piercing scream. Katie Bell was being pulled around in the snow by an invisible force and the suspended in the air, before being thrown back onto the floor with quite a lot of power.

I looked over to see the oackage open and the necklace half-buried in the snow.

Draco, wide-eyed, pulled me in to the woods.

"I told her not to touch it! Oh god, this is bad."

"The curse must have not been strong enough." Draco muttered.

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

"Shhh, don't worry. No one will know it was us, I promise." He soothed.

"Okay, I hope so. Lets get back to the castle, I'm freezing." I hugged him closer, trying to steal more body warmth.


I stood by and watched while poor Katie Bell was thrown around in the air.

It seemed kind of suspicious. I saw Lexi Taylor follow her into the girls bathroom,and her exit in a daze, holding that brown paper package, which seemed to contain some kind of cursed necklace.

And her friend said Katie was supposed to take it straight to Dumbledore....Something was not right.

I turned slightly to see Taylor and Malfoy staring in shock at the scene in front of us, before dissapearing into the woods. They were up to something. I just knew it.


A week after the incident, Potter started giving me and Lexi suspicious looks. I knew he suspected us. There wasn't reallyt anything I could do about it.

We had had a talking to from Snape about being more careful, blah blah blah. It was a pretty close call though.

He had managed to make up some cover story to cover out tracks though, thank god. I think Potter might have seen Lexi go into the bathroom though. We are going to have to be more careful around him, Weasel and Granger, especially.

It was just one week left until the Chrismas Ball. It was an annual dance held in the Great Hall, not quite as formal as the Yule Ball, but everyone went.

I still had to ask Lexi if she would go with me.

It was late on a Saturday night and we were the only ones left in the Common Room.


"Hmm." She hummed, lifting her head from my lap sleepily.

"Do you think, maybe, you would like to go to the Christmas Ball with me?" I asked nicely.

A sad look fell upon her beautiful face. "I don't think I can." She whispered.

"Why not, love?" I knew how long she had been looking forward to this Ball.

"I can't wear a pretty dress because of my mark." She mumbled, almost in tears. "I really want to go with you Draco but I can't go if I can't wear a pretty dress!"

"Nonsense, darling. I know a spell that will cover it up for 24 hours. Tattoos, scars, anything."

Her eyes lit up. "Really?"


"Do it now!" She was really overexcited.

I said the spell in my head, and the tattoo started to dissolve into her skin, leaving a perfectly normal lookong arm.

"Wow." She looked shocked.

"I can't tell you the spell because it can be dangerous."

"Okay." She pouted.

She yawned. "Go to sleep, love."

"Thank you Draco, love you." She murmured before dragging her heels up the stairs and into her room.


"Guys! Draco just asked me to the ball. Now we all have a date we can go dress shopping tomorrow!!" I all but shouted.

"What about your mark?" Daphne asked.

"Draco did a spell that makes it dissapear for 24 hours. Look." I thrust my arm into each of their faces in turn.

"Cool, Lex, we'll go tomorrow, now sleep."

I got ready then climbed into bed.

"Night babies." I said softly, before drifting into a peaceful sleep.

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