Chapter Eleven

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Before I start this chapter I just want to apologise for taking so long to upload this chapter.

I am on holiday so I really have no excuse for taking so long, so yeah. I will try and be better in the future

Also if you like my story you will absolutely LOVE shewritesanonymously's story People Can Change. It is so great and she deserves so many more reads.

Read it, my wattpad bestie rocks!!

Love you all xoxo

Chapter Eleven

Draco's POV

It had been a week since the accident at the lake. Lexi was still in the hospital wing.

I went to visit her every night, so no one knew where I was in the evening.

But with that and my mission I was never around much anyway.

I need to focus more on my mission, not on Lexi. Why is life so hard?

But when she wakes up and is safe I will be able to breathe again.

Pansy is being completely insufferable at the moment, always hanging all over me. I dint't know how much more I can take.

The sooner I get rid of her, the better.

Lexi's POV

I was in a car, there were others. A woman and a man. The woman, I recognised her.

She turned her head to look at me and she looked like me. The same hair and face.

The man also turned and he had the same piercing green eyes.

I felt..happy?

A warm fuzzy feeling. I smiled back at them.

They were talking and I marvelled at the sound of their soft, kind voices.

It was comforting and I felt safe.

Suddenly,their voices became urgent, and before I could ask what was wrong I heard a bang, a scream, and everything went black.


I sat up screaming. The sheets were stuck to my sweaty body. Madam Pomfrey was running around me trying to get something down my throat.

I shoved her off me and ran.

I already knew where I was going and I couldn't stop until I got there.

I was numb. What happened?

After running up all the stairs, I was out if breath by the time I got to the 7th floor.

I paced, and the elaborate door appeared almost immediately.

I ran in and straight onto the couch. I buried my face into the cushions.

For the first time in years, I felt an ache in my chest. Tears escaped my cold eyes and my shoulders racked with sobs.

I let out all the pain I didn't know I had.

I don't know how long I lay there crying, but I didn't care.

I had almost fallen asleep when I heard a soft voice.

I didn't look up, I was too ashamed.

"Lexi, look at me."

I peered up to see the concerned face of Draco Malfoy.

I was too upset to reply, so I lay my head on his chest and he held me while I cried.

No words, no questions, just comfort.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but all I knew was that I was safe now.

Draco's POV

As soon as I heart that heart-wrenching scream, I knew who it was. I ran to the hospital wing, but she was gone.

Wracking my brain I tried to think of where she would have gone.

It was if a lightbulb had switched on in my head.

I had to stop myself from running straight to her. She needs time, I thought to myself. Deep down, I knew I was right.

But my heart said otherwise.

I sat on the couch for two hours, I could possibly relax. As soon as the two hours was up, I almost sprinted to the seventh floor.

I didn't even need to pace before the door appeared in front of me. I gently pushed it open and walked in quietly.

I was shocked at the sight before me.

I knew she heard me walk in but she didn't look up at me.

"Lexi, look at me."I spoke softly.

She looked up slowly. Her face was red and puffy and she had dark rings around her eyes.

There was no need for words. I just sat and she cried into my chest and before I knew it, we had both drifted into a peaceful slumber.

Heart of Stone (A Draco Malfoy Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant