Chapter Twelve

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Hi darlings. Sory for the medium to long wait. Been a bit busy as it is the first week back to school so yeahh.

Anyway I hope you enjoy thins chapter :)


I opened my heavy eyelids and looked around the unfamiliar room I was in. As I was scanning, I realised there was something heavy on my waist.

I tried to shuffle out, but it just gripped me harder.

I craned my neck to see what the iron-grip was. I gasped. What was he doing here. Touching me.

I picked up his arm and threw it in his face. He groaned and opened his eyes. I saw the most beautiful stormy grey eyes staring back at me.

I snapped out of my trance to see him smirking.

"Like what you see? Take a picture it will last longer."

I scowled at him and looked down, relieved to see I was wearing clothes. Thank god, I thought.

I sauntered over to the mirror on the wall. I was shocked at my appearance. Disshevelled hair. red, puffy eyes, blotchy skin.

What happened?

Then suddenly all the memories for the previous night flooded back to me. People, screaming, cars, light. Tears. Lots of them.



It dawned on me. 

I never cry. I can't cry. I have never been able to cry. I never needed to cry.

I fell to my knees, gripping my hair. I was a mess. A hot, sticky, confused mess. A complete fuck up.

A warm hand touched my shoulder. My skin was ice cold, so I flinched at the warm touch.

I couldn't deal with this.

"Get your hands off of me." I growled.

I cast an easy concealment charm around myself and ran out. I  arrived outside the slytherin common room in less than 5 minutes.

After muttering the password, I ran up to my dorm. Thankfully the two whales were not in there, but I still ran to my bed and drew the curtains. 

I was so confused. 

Lexi Dominique Taylor.




But most of all, sorry.

After all these years torturing people, I finally felt what it was like to cry your heart out. To feel like no one cared. To fell sorrow.

I regretted it. Now there is a sentence I never thought I'd say. But I couldn't take back my past. I just had to make my future better. 

As for my past, I had unveiled a part of my life I never knew I existed. My first memory was waking up in my aunts house. I just figured I had a really bad memory.

There is something about me I haven't been told. 

And I was going to find out.

I drifted off to sleep with those two people who looked just like me in my mind.


What just happened? I asked myself as I watched her conceal herself. A heard the door slam shut with a heavy thunk. 

I just saw Lexi have a meltdown. A proper one.

She looked at herself in the mirror and just fell to the floor. She wouldn't even let me comfort her.

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