Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

*Draco's POV*

As soon as she walked in to the Great Hall, looking fine as hell, I knew I had to talk to her. I sat across from her at the Slytherin Table. I opened my mouth to speak but pathetic words came out. I really sounded stupid now. Nice one Draco.

She was talking about me joining some queue? I wasn't really listening but I know she said some offensive things, I was too busy thinking about all the clever things I could have said.

I only realised she had walked out when she was half way to the door. The whole of Slytherin turned to smirk at me with knowing stares, but I just shot them all daggers and stormed out. No-one messes with me.

I speed-walked all the way to potions, I didn't want to get on Slughorn's bad side. Seeing as he's a new teacher this year I better start with my good foot forward, I say.

I was dissapointed when I was late to class. Trying to be subtle, I snuck in. But to my horror, the only seat left was next to...Lexi? Oh joy, a whole year of being tormented by the school bully, who I have a crush on.


I don't think Slughorn noticed as I slipped into the seat beside Lexi, he was too busy droning on the great Potter and how amazing he is.

Lexi hissed at me, "Why are you sat here?" Turning her nose up as she spoke to me.

"If you hadn't realised, Lexi," I said her name with venom, "this is the only seat left in class, it's not like I chose to sit next to you or anything." I argued.

"Well that's what you did this morning." She smirked.

I couldn't think of a good enough reply, so I scoffed and turned away. What was happening to me, I was the best at comebacks in the school, yet I couldn't come up with one to say to Lexi?! I really am going soft.

The rest of the lesson flew by and before I knew it, long dark hair was flicked in my face and Lexi was out the door before I could say Salazar Slytherin.

Oh well, i thought. I had a free period next, thank Merlin.

So I needed to think of how to get her to like me. Well, she needs emotions back first and I could maybe then tell her what happened that night when she was nine. But first, I neded to check with the doctors at St. Mungos.

I ran to Snapes office.

Bursting through the door, I could finally breathe when he was sat in his chair.

"Professor, I need your help. I need to Floo to St. Mungos."

"And why would that be young Draco" He drawled, sounding bored.

"I need to ask the doctors something! It's very important!"

"I'm guessing this is about Lexi Taylor. Well, seing as you are both in Slytherin, be quick, use my fireplace. Floo Powder is on the windowsill. Be back for lunch Draco!"

I sped to the fireplace, grabbbed a handful of powder and shouted, "St, Mungos."

I walked out the fireplace in the hospital to go to the front desk.

"Exuse me." I asked, using my polite voice I only used when I wanted something. "I was wondering if I could to talk to a doctor in charge."

"And what would that be about young man?" the nurse replied. I cringed at her patronising voice.

"It is about a friend, some information for her."

"I see. Well follow me, I will take you to Dr Stevens.

I followed her down endless corridors. We finally reached a door. The nurse knocked and a tired looking man, about 40, opened the door.

"We have someone to see you Doctor," she said before thrusting me through the door and walking away.

The doctor made his way over to his desk and I closed to door and stood awkwardly.

"Do take a seat," The doctor said. "Now what is it you want to talk about?"

"Have you heard of a girl called Lexi Taylor?" I enquired.

"Ah Lexi, an interesting case. What do you want to know, boy?"

"Well, I know her at Hogwarts School. She is in my house too. Everyone knows about what happened but her. I really like her and I thought, how could I get her to regain her emotions and memory so maybe she could like me back?"

"It's not really any of your buisness, but you do seem like you really care...."

"Draco. Draco Malfoy."

"So Draco, I am going to tell you something that you can't repeat to anyone. That night, she did lose her memory and emotions, but only the good emotions. She is only capable of hate, jelousy, so on. So there is one way to make her care. Make her jealous. Then entice her to you, and once you get her alone, tell her what happened, tell her her life story.

"Thank you, Sir, thank you."

"Use my fireplace, he said." So I walked over and shouted "Snape's office" And I found myself staring at Snape.

"Get what you wanted, Draco?" He asked.

"Yes sir, yes I did."

And I walked out of his office and into the Great Hall.


So I finally updated, sorry for the long wait! What do you think? Dont be afraid to tell me what you think.




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