Chapter Eighteen

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I am so sorry it has taken so long to write, but I have been in America for three weeks and I only got back 2 days ago. Forgive me? I love you xx


I lay in bed the whole night tossing and turning. I exaggerated so badly. It's just, I'd never been in live before and a boy had never been particually angry or upset at me before and I didn't know what to do, just the old part pf me pushing everyone away, again. 

I had to apologise. 

What a mess. I grabbed a pair of pyjama shorts and slipped them on and then put on my slippers. I crept out of bed and slinked across the room, being as quite as I could.

I made it too the door, but as I opened it slowly, it creaked on it's hinges. I froze. Nobody moved. Thank god. I didn't need any enquieries. 

I made it into the common room. Now for the hard part.

I saw the staircase right opposite me. I started to ascend slowly. When I reached the top, I remembered that Draco told me he had his own room. His father didn't want him sharing with a load of other boys. 

I causiously opened the first door to see a snoring Crabbe and Goyle. Wrong door.

The next door revealed Blaise, Theodore and some other boy I didn't know. I opened a third door. Bingo.

I crept in. 

Quietly, I listed the emerald covers and climbed in. Draco stirred with the movement and hsi eyelids opened lazily. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, startled by my presence. 

"I came to apologise. What I said was so unnecessary and, well, I exaggerated. I want to be with you again. Forgive me?" 

He sighed. "Of course I forgive you. I'm sorry too. I guess i giot a little possessive."

"It's okay."

"I love you" That waa the first time he had said that to me.

I didnt even hesitate before repeating the same words.

He kissed me, and fireworks exploded inside me as soon as we made contact. 

He grabbed me and pulled mme close, our skin touching. We pulled away after what felt like hours, panting for air. I realised he was only wearing his boxers and started blushing. 

Thankfully it was dark. 

I leaned i for another kiss. I adventurously let my hand trace down his chest and run across his toned body before settling in his hair. I pulled myself up and straddled him, pulling us closer together.

I felt him run his hand up and down my back, sending chills up my spine. Everytime we touched, it felt like i was alight.

He bagan to trail kisses down my next, gently nipping the skin behind my ear. My lips felt cold from the lack of contact, so I brought his face back up to meet mine. 

Almost immediatley he slipped his tounge into my mouth and we started a battle for dominance. He flipped us over so he was in control.

He broke contact to whisoer, "I win," into my ear before nipping my earlobe. If this didn't stop now I was going to lose control.

"Draco, we should stop." I struggled out breathlessley, my chest heaving in short pants for air. 

He pouted and I kissed his cheek.

"Stay here tonight?" He almost pleaded.

"Why not?" I replied and turned around, so my back was against his front.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer. I had never felt so complete. A second later I was out for the count.


As soon as I woke the next morning I heard the sound of water, and humming. I suddenly remembered it was Lexi and a smile crept onto my face. 

I snuck over to the door and opened it a crack, the shower was on but she was outside looking for bodywash.

She had her silky hair piled up ontop of her head. When she turned around and saw me, she et out a shriek and covered her body, even though she was wearing a bra and panties. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She screamed and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She shooed me away and shut the door, locking it. 

I went back to bed and noticed the time. 6am? What kind of person gets up at this time?

When I opened my eyes for the second time, Lexi was standing above me on the bed, staring down at me. 

"Get up loser, you have 30 minutes until breakfast. 

She jumped on the bed to make sure I was fully awake before getting off, grabbing my tshirt and putting it over her head and walking out the door down to her room. 


As soon as I opened the door to my dorm, I was awamped with angry faces and quiestions.




"Calm your tits guys, I was with Draco. I'll explain later."

I rushed about gathering clothes, I decided to keep my hair in its bun and wear only a bit of mascara today. 

I blew the girls a kiss before rushing out the door to meet Draco. But when I got to the common room, something I didn't expect happened, and it wasn't good. 

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