Chapter Twenty

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"I want to become a Death Eater."

The confidence in my own voice shocked me almost as much as it did Snape. He genuinley seemed lost for words.

"Taylor, you do know that being a Death Eater isn't just a game, it is extremely serious and dangerous. Once the Dark Lord orders you to do something, you do it or die."

"I know, but if me being one is going to ensure I can stay with Draco, then that is what I want to do."

"It is your choice, but don't say I didn't warn you when you want out, and trust me, you will. I will come and get you when you hve fully recovered, you still have time to change your mind."

"Wait!" I shouted at his retreating figure. "I want you to tell me exactly what happened with my parents, don't leave anything out. Okay?"

He sighed deeply and settled down in the chair, pulling a little further away from the bed than it was before. 

"They joined the Death Eaters fresh out of school. They were both working in the Ministry at the time and the Dark Lord was using them as spies to penetrate the Ministry. They were two of the most highly regarded Death Eaters, so well respected. But when you were born, they tried to back out, they didn't want to be part of it anymore, but He wouldn't let them. They were punished for being disloyal."

He paused.

"Go on." I mumbled, intruiged.

"Years later, when you were nine, one of the death eaters heard them talking about the Order."

"What's that?" I enquired. 

"A group of Dumbledore's people, kind of like a Death Eaters but with good wizards." He explained. 

"The Death Eater told The Dark Lord and He trotured your parents for details. It turns out that since the time you were born they had been working as spies for the Order of the Pheonix, revealing Death Eaters secrets to Dumbledore. Voldemort was so angry, he tried to kill you all that night in the car, but you survived. But he couldn't come after you then, because of Potter. He has had people watching you ever since he came back, to see if you would be useful to him."

I felt relieved, my parents weren't bad after all. And this is how I repay them, walking into the trap they had tried to get me out of. 

It's all for Draco, I reassured myself.

I looked back up at Snape. "Thank you." I said.

He just nodded sadly and left. I lay for what felt like hours, staring at the ceiling, thinking of my parents. I hoped they were proud of me. 

"Wake up, Miss Taylor dear, wake up."

I stirred before prying my eyes open to see Madame Pomfrey leaning over me.

"Professor Snape reqests you to meet him in his office in an hour."

She bustled away, tending to another patient.

I gathered my belongings and headed to my dorm. I planned on not waking the girls, but they wre light sleepers.


"I know." I giggled. "She told me a gaggle of girls came in being loud and wanted to see me but she told them to go away."


I laughed again. 

"I need to get ready, I'm going somewhere, be back later."


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