Chapter Twenty One

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Dedicated to ILoveLouis1D1056 because she leaves lovely supportive comments, so thank you for the feedback. 

As soon as I left the boardroom after the meeting, I was grabbed by the wrist and dragged up the winding stairs.

No words were exchanged until we reached the very top and I was pulled through a door into  a very grand bedroom.

A large four poster bed stood right in the middle, with emerald green covers. One of the walls was green, all the rest of the furnishings were either white or silver.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Draco's words cut through the air like a knife. "Do you know what a stupid mistake you've made?"

"I was just-"

He didn't let me finish and slammed his hand down on the desk he was sat at.

"Why?" He asked, softer than before.

"Bellatrix told me if I didn't become a Daeth Eater I couldn't see you anymore. This way, we can be closer, I can help you!"

"No you can't!" He roared. "You have put us in even more danger! Now there is two of us, there is more risk of people finding out!"

"I-I'm sorry Draco. But there is nothing to be done now. It's too late. We are in this together, okay? We have to work as a team."

He sighed deeply, shaking his head. "I guess you're right. We better get back to Hogwarts before anyone notices we are missing."

We entered the fireplace in his room and soon returned to Snapes office. We were gone a lot longer than I thought, as dinner was just starting when we got back.

We entered the dining hall hand in hand, making sure our identical tattoos were covered. I was never again to show my left forearm to the world. 


I lay in bed that night, restless. How could I let this happen. She was bound to find out eventually. I should never have brought her into this.

I am so selfish. Endangering her for my own gain. I was so angry at myself, but deep inside, I knew I was happy I had someone to share it all with.

A light knock on the door broke into my thoughts.

The door opened a crack. "Draco?" Lexi whispered before letting herself in.

"I can't sleep." She said while climbing under the covers. 

"Neither can I."

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked, timidly.

"No, love. I'm angry at myself for bringing you into this."

"It was my desicion. And I chose you."

Her words made me so happy. She chose being a death eater so she could be with me. 

I pulled her close and kissed her forehead.

"I love you so much." I said.

She did not reply, but kissed me. Our lips moved in sync, like they were pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. 

I ran my hands up and down her back, venturing under the thin cotton of her shirt. She shivered lightly at my touch.

Oh no.

I felt myself get slighly hard.

I looked up at Lexi.

She felt it too. She blushed slightly.

"Draco, I think I'm ready."

I didn't need to reply. I attacked her lips furiously, a new kind of passion rising within me. I pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her in nothing but her panties. 

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