Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Draco's POV

Just like every other year, I was the one to host the Slytherin's annual welcome back party. It was starting to get into0 full swing, butterbeer and firewiskey was being passed all around the common room.

I couldn't help but wonder where Lexi had got to. I knew it was unlikely but I was kind of hoping she would join the party. Maybe she was already in her dorm. but that is unlikely, as I would have seen her come in.

Talk of the devil. The portrait swung open and there stood Lexi, looking irresistable as always. She smirked and took in her surroundings. Shaking her head she trudged over to the stairs to the girls dorms. Some brave guy shouted out someting to her. Why didn't I think of that, I should be more brave, but she took no notice anyway and carried on up the stairs.

What was this feeling? Disappointment maybe? Come on, you're Draco Malfoy, I am the Slytherin sex god, I could get any girl in this room, if I wanted. But the thing is, I didn't want any girl in this room, I wanted Lexi. Cliche, I know.

Grabbing a bottle of firewhiskey off the table, I tried to take my mind off it. When I heard a shuffling on the stairs, a glimmer of hope emerged. But when I looked up all I saw was Pansy and Millicent, trying to look sexy.

As they attempted to copy Lexi's strut, I couldn't contain my snort of laughter at the cows. Milicent was wobbling around like some kind of hippo. Okay, that was mean, but true, you could see her rolls through her dress.

I tried to ignore Pansy as she tried to seduce me, but she wouldn't leave me alone. She is so annoying, always thinking she owns me or something. Trying hard to hold back on rolling my eyes at her, her screeching suddenly stopped. The whole room fell silent.

There were a few girls in the year below with envious looks on their faces. Others looked suprised. I looked up and saw none other than Lexi Taylor. Damn, she was looking fine. I could tell that all the other guys were thinking the exact same thing.

Her long shiny hair was flowing down her back in luscious curls and that dress. Oh my god, it fit her in all the right places, short but not too short. She knew how to use clothes to her advantage, I can tell you. As I was staring at her, I heard Pansy speak up, again.

"Look at that slut, trying to steal everyones boyfriends." She wailed. Millicent nodded in agreement. Pansy just clutched onto my arm even tighter and Millicent edged closer to Blaise. The look of horror as she approched him was evident on his face. I internally laughed at his terrified expression. He looked at me and mouthed "Help", but I just smirked at him.

All the girls were in their little groups, every now and them taking looks at Lexi from the corners of their eyes. It was evident they were talking about her. And all the girls with boyfriends were trying to tear their guys eyes away from her. It was a very amusing sight, the effect Lexi had on everyone.

When everyone's attention was back on the party, Lexi made her way over to the dancefloor. She didn't need firewhiskey to have a good time. She was dancing like a wild woman, guys lining up for their turn to dance with her.

I didn't, as I would be screamed at by Pansy and I didn't want to look desperate to her. But I watched her the whole night, to make sure no one made any moves on her. Even watching her dance with other guys made me jealous. What is wrong with me?

I was sad when she went up to her dorm ending the party. I was the early hours of the morning and everyone who hadn't already gone up followed her lead. She was the life and soul of the party after all.

No-one had ever seen her like this before. She usually just kept to herself, messing with other peoples minds and bullying people. Maybe she was planning something...the thought scared me.

But I quickly pushed out out of my mind and went to sleep, dreaming of her perfect features.

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