Chapter 2: First Day of Work

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Ethan's P.O.V

I start working today, I didn't fully finish unpacking but I unpacked the things that I'm gonna need the most. The work uniform is a white button up shirt, black slacks, and slip resistant shoes.

"Ethan hurry up." My mom is on the other side of my door.

"Yeah I'm coming." I picked up my phone and opened the door.

My mom and I walked together to the front door. My mom and I unpacked and organized until late at night leaving the two of us feeling a little more than exhausted.

I sighed as I felt the spring sun rub against my skin while I walked side by side next to my mother.

We reached the door to the main house. My mom opened the door and we both walked in to be greeted by a tall woman with brown hair and green eyes.

"You must be Ethan I've heard so much about you my name is Leah Miller." The woman said with a dazzling smile on her face a she held out her hand for me to shake.

I shook her hand and introduced myself properly.

"Ethan, why don't you go set the table I'll go wake everyone up." My mom said as she left for the stairs.

Mrs. Miller told me where the kitchen was and she also told me where all the items the table requires are. When I walked into the dinning room I was so surprised at the size of it all. Aren't there only five of them? Why is the table so big? And the amount of chairs for the size of the family seems a little excessive. I started to set the table and arrange everything accordingly. Once I finished setting up everything I walk out of the dinning room and go to the living room and start to clean as much as this already clean house can be cleaned.

My mom approached me as I picked up and fluffed the throw pillows on the couch. She placed her hand on my shoulder and I turned to face her.

"Can you go fix the kids beds I have to go serve breakfast?" I nodded and headed up the stairs.

Not knowing where to go I wonder aimlessly up the stairs until I stumbled upon a door that was covered in pink stickers that said princesses and had hearts and stars on it.

I smiled at the sheer obviousness of it all.

"I'm gonna go ahead and say that that's the twin's room." I approached the door and knocked quietly in case they were still sleeping.

Even though my mom came to wake everyone up I would hate to disturb the two seven year old girls.

"Come in." I hear two little voices say in unison.

I open the door and see two little girls one of them is siting on a chair while the other one does her hair. Adorable.

"Are you Dianna's son?" Asked the little girl on the chair.

"Yeah, my name is Ethan." I introduced myself.

"I'm Suset and that's Amber." Said the little girl sitting on the chair named Suset.

The two girls looked exactly the same the only difference I can see is that Amber seemed to have her ears pierced whereas Suset had clean earringless ears.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled at the two little girls.

I walk over to their bed and start to fix the messy sheets and comforter. Then I hear the slam of a door that made me jump up, startled.

"Sounds like Alex is up, he's not a morning person." Amber spoke to her sister in a hushed voice.

When I finished fixing both of the twins beds I went over to the girls and asked where I could find Alex's room is. They told me it's the room across from theirs on the other side of the stairs. I thanked them both before I excused myself and walked out. I made my way to the other side of the stairs where the girls told me his room way and I almost flinched at how the bedsheets hung off the mattress. He must move around a lot. I quickly fixed his bed and organized his pillows when I was moving things around an odd but not unwelcome smell caught my attention. It smells like sandalwood, shampoo and another unfamiliar scent which is not displeasing. Together they smelled wonderful. I continued to fix the bed attempting not to get lost in the captivating smell of the bed sheets, comforter and pillows. When I finished up in there I made my way over to the living room where my mom was dusting the surfaces all around as well as putting some food in a small fish tank on one of the end tables next to the couch.

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