"Damn, you have a vivid imagination." I had told her.

I smiled slightly, remembering our weird conversations and her smartass comments.

I saw Mr. White's eyes filled with tears and the smile disappeared. I took in what was he saying.

"....her. I regret not sending so much time with her. I hate that Meg and I were always on business trips, travelling all over the world, leaving Alaska and Kyle behind. All we did was check in by calling them. We are such horrible parents. I wish I could turn back time and spend it wisely. Spend it with the two kids that mean the world to me." He paused for a moment, wiping his tears and collecting himself.

"Yeah, life is messy, it's painful, it's tiring, but that is only the bad. In the good parts, it is funny,beautiful, smile inducing, inspiring. It's happy.

We have to get through the bad to savour the taste of the good. We have to keep trying, keep on going on, even if we just want to give up.

We have to have the backup generator in our lives when the lights stop working and we find ourselves in the dark."

He gave us a small smile and sat besides Meg. He put his arm around her shoulder and she noiselessly sobbed in his shoulder.

Kyle stood up with shaking legs and looked at me. I gave him a small smile of encouragement and he walked up to the podium.

"Whatever everyone says, Alaska will always remain my sister." He spoke, his voice a little rough.

"Alaska was beautiful. In fact, she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Inside out. The strongest person. I always looked up to her. I know, I didn't tell her this often, but she was the best sister someone could ever wish for and I would never trade her for anything in the word. Never. She would always sneak me some chocolates when mom wasn't home. I remember her helping me with my projects even though she mostly messed them up." We let out a chuckle.

"She also used to take me out and let me hang out with her friends. I mean, how cool is that?"

"Remember how she always used to tell me how cruel the world was but however, we should always be nice to others. How only love could remove hate." He rubbed his nose.

Kyle started crying but carried on, "She was a fighter, she really was. I have watched people tear her down and then ask for her help. She would help them selflessly. She would spend hours helping them. I've always admired and hated that quality of hers."

The boy was so young but his words were very mature.

He sucked in a deep breath, a painful expression etching his features. "And that's the reason she is dead today. She always saw the good in Liz even when everyone warned her. Heck! Even I warned her but she laughed at me. She never saw her true motive." Kyle cried freely.

"I can't keep down her picture down at night, close my eyes and rest even for a little while."

Same little guy, same.

"I miss her and-" He couldn't take it, and he rushed back to my side and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back just as tight. We cried for our loss.

Liam patted Kyle's back and walked over to the podium, crying already. It must be difficult for him. Loosing two girls he loved the most under the time of six months.

He cleared his then spoke up, "My name's Liam Wright and I was Alaska's best friend. I just lost my mom a few weeks ago and now Alaska's gone too. She's the one who helped me with mom being gone but I don't know who'll help me with her being gone. I just lost two of my favourite women in a matter of few months and I can't take it."

"Al mattered a lot in my life, always having a say in anything and everything I do." Even though I has seen Liam cry before, it still broke my heart. He was one tough guy.

"She was the only girl in our group and it was her that kept all of us in a line. We all respected her, loved her. Whenever bored, all of us would go over to her's and just chill. She never minded it and welcomed us openly. She had a huge heart." He chuckled as if reliving a memory.

"We always barged in her house and I always raided the fridge. I'm not going to lie, she ate like a pig. She wasn't self conscious of what she ate in front of us and that's what I liked about her. She was free with us. She acted like herself. Al and I had these competition, whoever ate the most food first, won." He smiled looking embarrassed, a little shade of pink covering his cheeks, he continued "Al always won. Nobody could beat her."

"She was a wonderful human but she used to swear a lot. Like she couldn't talk without using a swear word but in the end..." He trailed off. "In the end, she didn't swear too much. She was always sarcastic as hell and always had a comeback in the tip of her tongue for everything but during the last few months, she was just always tired and it honestly broke my heart to see her like that. Such a lively person paying for something that happened years ago." Suddenly, his eyes hardened and his face transformed into one of fury.

"Oh and Liz. I hate her so much. I know, I'm not supposed to swear in such a holy place and I'm sorry for swearing, but Liz was a bitch."

I completely agree, Li.

"She was so jealous that she took the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me from me. I'm glad they've taken her into incarceration. I'm not going to talk about her anyways because the words that are going to come out of my mouth and not going to be remotely holy or pure."

He took a deep breath, getting rid of all the anger and I guess, was recalling some memories. As he started to speak again, my assumption was proven right.

"I used to jokingly call her babe and she used to snap at me." Everyone including me chuckled.

I remember I used to get so mad at Liam for calling her babe or baby.

"She liked it but she just denied to accept it." He smirked. "But as time passed, we both got used to it. Eventually, these two idiots, Blaze and Al got together and it was him who started to call her 'babe' and she didn't once complain." I laughed along with him.

"You know, I didn't love her in that romantic way but I did love her with all my heart. Even when I was angry at her, she was still the person I wanted to hug. Even when I was hurt by her words, I still wanted to hear to her sweet voice. Even when I was crying my eyes out, I still didn't turn to anyone but her. Being with her was when I was the happiest. I didn't smile as big, or laugh as hard with anyone but her. All I wanted to do was spend my time with her. She was my best friend."

He closed his eyes and breathed in. "I love you, best friend. Rest in peace." He said and walked down and sat next to me. He patted me twice on the back and I gave him a slight small smile.

I was up next.


Position: #1 In Teen Fiction

The next chapter has Blaze's eulogy.

All the love,
Pia xx




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