Clearly underestimated

Start from the beginning

“We missed them,” Justine said disappointed.

“Yes but we know where they’re headed,” Kailani said refusing to give up. Looking at Narissa she said, “Time to go to my home turf.” Narissa nodded and they headed back down the aisle toward their friends. It wasn’t over yet.


“This is going to be so easy,” Lorcan said looking at the lake before them. “We’ll have all the relics we need before they even start. Wasting time on Poseidon’s daughter,” The dark haired demigod scoffed and went to step toward the water.

“Wait!” Dana said. Ciro and Lorcan both looked at her. They watched as her eyes went almost white for a moment.

“What is it?” Ciro asked.

“Something’s in the water. Anything that enters the water will be destroyed.”

“We’re demigods Dana. We can handle anything,” Lorcan said unconcerned. Dana abruptly through a nearby stick at him toward the water and Atlas’ son quickly ducked. “What was…” more than one scream sounded as several snake creatures attacked the stick leaving nothing to be found below the water’s surface.

“How are we…?”

“We don’t Niobe,” Dana said giving a sigh. “Look at the stick,” She told Ciro as she gestured to it. “Nothing can enter the water.”

“What’s your point?” Lorcan questioned.

“Anything that penetrates the water is destroyed. I only know of one water demigoddess than can walk on water,” Dana said with a sigh.

“Kailani,” Ciro said knowingly. The red head gave a sigh. ‘I knew this had happened too easy.’

“So what do we do?” Niobe asked.

“You’re going to have to try and track down Kailani,” Dana said looking at the red haired girl.

“Not in that water,” Pulan, Son of the Titan Selene, remarked pointing at the creature infested lake.

“No,” Ciro agreed looking at the blonde man. He rubbed a hand through his red hair. “Come on. We need to catch up to the Olympians offspring.” No one argued and started to walk away.

Dana looked at the lake one more time and a vision of something more deadly entered her mind. A much larger snake with horns on its head and deadly fangs resting outside its mouth laid waiting at the bottom of the lake. ‘Glad I’m not Kailani,’ she thought to herself. The image sent shivers down her spine.

“Dana,” Ciro called.

“Coming,” She replied and quickly headed after her leader.


Kailani and Narissa were both disappointed but they weren’t giving up yet. They walked out of the Church and started to head for the waiting van.

“A little too late?” Marius asked as he and a group of followers appeared out of the trees by the church.

“Marius,” Justine said immediately becoming concerned.

The dark haired demigod looked at the blonde daughter of Athena. “Against your own twin brother,” He commented calmly. “I would not have thought.”

“What do you want Marius,” Aran asked.

“We don’t want any part of this,” Narissa told him and his group. “Leave us out of it.”

“What you want is not always what you can have.” Kailani looked from Marius on her left toward her right. “Hello Kailani.”

“Willem,” She said instantly recognizing Hades’ son.

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