How They Would React To You Being A Tomboy (Requested)

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Thank you --destiel for requesting

Honestly wouldn't care. As long as you were fun to hangout with, he didn't really mind.


He might feel a bit awkward around you for a while. But after being around you for so long, he would just forget about it and just hang out with you like any other person would.


Like Jaebum, he would feel a bit weird around you and it might take him a long time (longer than Jb) to get used to that.


Also wouldn't care much. He's a really friendly person, so the fact that you were a tomboy wouldn't stop him from wanting to be good friends with you.


He would be shocked that you liked to dress up as a boy and enjoyed sports, but would eventually just get over the fact that you were a tomboy


He'd be totally fine with it. Although he may of found it weird when you first met, he would just go along with it and goof around with you like he normally would.


This shy little blushing giant would most likely be the most awkward around you. In Korean the gender stereotypes are pretty much like olden times, so he would've never thought about a girl being a tomboy. It may take hime quite a while to get used to it, but he'll warm up to it after seeing how fun it is to be around you.


Lol. Why is Yugyeom's the longest? XD

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