8. Father and Daughter-Mark (Requested)

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Thank you @marktuanisbae1 for requesting:)
Summary: Mark comes back from a tour and has to take care of his daughter for a whole day.
"Natalee!! I'm home!!" your husband, Mark, yells from the entrance. "Babe?" He says when you don't answer "Hi." You say while running into your daughter's room You pick her up and rock her a little to stop her crying. She doesn't stop but you still have to get ready for your 'Girl's Day' with your friends. You hand your 3 year old daughter, _______, to Mark but he just looks at you confused. He has been really busy with promotions and tours that he didn't have much time to learn how to take care of a baby. Even though he has nieces, he just let his sister take care of them most of the time. You put _______ in one of your arms and you position Mark's arms, so he could hold her. You put her in his arms and you rush to your room and out on a casual outfit and put on your makeup. "Natalee? Babe? Where are you going?" He asks. You were in the middle of brushing your teeth, so you spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth and then answer him. "I'm going out with my friends. They said that I could bring _______, but since your here, you should take care of her" You answer while applying eyeliner. "There is milk in the fridge and you just need to warm it up before you feed it to her." You say and put on your shoes. "Bye Oppa. Bye _______." and the. You kiss both of them and head out. You have now left Mark with his daughter, not knowing what to do. "Uhm...hmmm...What should we do?" he asks _______. She just answers by smiling at him and he chuckles. "So cute~" He says and kisses her cheek. "Hm... maybe we can go your uncles (Got7)." He says. He goes into her room and grabs a bag. He puts in the bottles of milk, diapers, a spare change of clothes and other things.
"Hyung~" The younger boys say. They see _______ peacefully laying in his arms and they quiet down. "She's pretty, last time we saw her she was a lot smaller" Jb whispered. "Yeah" Everyone else agreed. "I need you guys to help me. Natalee went out to hang out with her friends and I have to take care of _____." Mark whispers. She looks around and studies the new environment. When she looks at the boys, they all smile at her, but...she starts to cry. They all look at her worriedly and Mark starts to rock her in his arms, so she could stop. After a while, she stops, but Mark has to go to the bathroom. "Uhh, can one of you watch over her for a bit, I have to go to the bathroom." Mark says. He hands her to the leader and quickly rushes to the bathroom. When _______ looks at Jb she bursts into tears (a/n FYI, I'm sort of basing this off of Real Got7 Season 3 Episode 4). He then hands her to Jr. and he rocks her, like Mark did and she stops crying. "What?!" Jb says and gives of a small pout and _____ just ignores him and plays with Jr's hair. She soon makes it look extremely bad and all of the members laugh. At this point Mark comes out of the bathroom and sees Jr's hair too. "Did _______ do that to you Jinyoung?" Mark asks. "Yeah...but it's okay because she's too cute to be mad at." Jr says and smiles. Then _______ starts to cry again and all of them looked at her shocked. She doesn't stop and in the background, Jackson and BamBam are looking up reasons why babies cry. Then Jackson yells out "Maybe she's hungry" The Mark looks in the bag he brought and quickly heated it up for a few seconds in the microwave. (a/n Also, sorry if I don't know much about taking care of a baby, I'm not even a teen yet.. ._.) Then he takes _______ in his arms. She stops crying and happily drinks the milk. "Hyung can I hold her again?" Jr asks and Mark hands over _______ and the bottle to him. All of the boys were watching Jr and _______. She quickly finishes the bottle. "Wow, she sure was hungry" Yugyeom says. Then they all try to entertain her. Jackson gets out a bubble machine and bubbles start to go around the living room. _______ starts to laugh and reaches up in the air to try and catch a bubble. A bubble lands on her noise and she sneezes it off and everyone starts laughing.

It was nearing the time, when _______ normally would take a nap, so he says goodbye to everyone and brings her home. Even when they made it home, she wouldn't fall asleep. Mark thought that it would be a good idea to show her some of his music videos, and maybe that could make her fall asleep. He grabs his laptop and sits on the couch with _______ on his lap and the laptop on the couch and he starts to play Got7 songs. She looks totally uninterested, but then she see's her dad and she starts to smile, laugh and clap her hands. Mark is happy at the sight of his daughter, but...he was really tired. He could see _______ slowly falling asleep, so he closed the laptop and just sat there, looking at his beautiful daughter. During this time, he felt really tired and was amazed at how much energy you had to take of your daughter 24/7. He mind started to become blank and he just falls asleep, sitting down, on the couch with _______ in his arms.

You open the door. "MARK I-" You stop and you see Mark and _______ on the couch, fast asleep. You just keep looking at this wonderful scene and take a picture, just for you memories. You laugh a little and kiss _______'s and Mark's forehead and go upstairs to change.


I hope you liked it Natalee and thanks for requesting. If you didnt know this but the '_______' was meant for you to choose your own daughter's name. Have a great day/afternoon/night my (B)unnies!!

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