France and Italy

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Noah's pov
I walk through The Next Step's corridors rather late. I hope Kate doesn't punish me, I didn't get much sleep last night. Not of nightmares, I couldn't stop thinking about Richelle! We has had our first date yesterday, it was amazing! I kept going over and over the fun memories we shared, and that was a while. In fact, I only got two hours of sleep! And when my mother woke me up today telling me to get ready for dance, I thought that ten more minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt. Well guess what? Ten minutes, turned into an hour! That's why I'm late! I'll have to tell Kate that my car broke down on the way here. That's believable, right?

Suddenly, I feel myself being pushed to the side of the corridor, against the wall and someone angrily marching past me. I turn my head to look at who it is, but all I see is a streak of blonde hair which soon disappears as it turns around the corner. Wait, who was that? Richelle? No, she wouldn't have pushed past me like that. Whoever that was, they must be in some sort of hurry!

I shrug my shoulders, deciding not to follow them. I'm already half an hour late! I can't be anymore! I continue my short walk into studio A, and once I arrive, I see everyone crowding around something in the middle. What are they looking at?

"Hello?" I say, loud enough for at least one or two people to hear so they stopped fussing over whatever they were fussing over.
"Noah!" A small voice yells, and before I know it, a small blonde has jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I knew that wasn't Richelle who passed me! But there's only one other blonde, Michelle! What was she doing running off? Ugh, I can't be bothered to think about that right now, I'm too focused on Richelle.

"Hey!" I reply, smiling happily and she jumps down from me, looking a little embarrassed at what she did.
"Why are you late? You haven't met Abrianna!" she says excitedly on the last part, pointing to everyone crowding around something. Someone I'm guessing now. A girl? But who?

"What? Who's Abrianna?" I ask, confused.
"The girl from the exchange programme silly! She's Italian, and she's replacing Michelle- she's going to France! Now, come meet her, she's soooo nice!" she exclaims, dragging me over to everyone.

Well that explains why Michelle pushed past me angrily, she's being sent to France!
"Noah's here!" Richelle shouts and everyone turns their eyes to me, but soon turn them to Abrianna, who's eyes are now on me.
"Uh..hi! I'm Noah, well you probably know that because Richelle just said that, but it's nice to meet you!" I say with a smile, holding out my hand for her to shake.

She shakes it and introduces herself, even though Richelle already told me. Richelle was right, she does seem nice. She looks like a nice sort of person as well- long black hair, similar to Stephanie's, but straight like Amanda's. Her eyes are as blue as a lake, and she has a nice smile. Not as nice as Richelle's, for hers could make anyone happy, no matter what they're doing.

"Agh, Noah. You're here, why are you late?" Kate asks, approaching me and everyone falls silent, waiting for my response.
My response! Yes! Uh..what is it again? Oh yeah! That my car broke down!
"You see my car broke down just as we left. And had to walk the rest of the way! That's why I'm late! It's true, honest!" I exclaim, emphasising the lat part. Damn it! Why did I do that? Now it's obvious that I lied! But somehow, Kate bought it! She nodded with a smile and walked back into her office. Phew! That was close!

I know that I haven't chosen a dance captain yet, and I know that the picture above hasn't got much to do with the chapter so you don't have to tell me lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this!

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