Telling Kate

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The same day.

Noah's pov
After the incident that happened in the morning, Kate told us who would be doing what in internationals. She had already chosen the dancers for the certain rounds. I think that it's unfair that she has already chosen them. Me and Richelle will have no chance! Just because we went to Elite, it doesn't mean we can't be trusted! Kate really liked us when we were in J troupe. Why can't she like us in A troupe?

Anyway, Kate walks in and we all form a circle around her. As she pulls out her clip board and paper, everyone looks nervous and we wait for her to speak.
"Ok so I have chosen who's going to do the dances. At internationals there will be a male and female solo, two small groups, two group dances and any round that ends in a tie will be decided with a duet. First of all, the solos go to Eldon and Michelle!" She says happily and we all clap.
I can't help but look at Richelle, who's standing next to me, because I honestly think that she's be a great soloist. Look at her face and she looks sad. Oh poor Richelle, she wanted the solo. But, she claps with the rest of us.
"For the first small group I have chosen Thalia, James, Emily, West and Noah." Kate says and we smile.
I was actually chosen for something! This is great!
"For our second small group, I have chosen Giselle, Eldon, Michelle, Amanda and Chloe." She says with a smile as we all clap.
What? Richelle wasn't chosen? She's incredible, how did she not get chosen?
"Finally, if we need the duet, it goes to Riley and James." Kate says and we all clap.

So that's it? Richelle wasn't put in anything! That's not fair! She's better than lots of these dancers, I don't understand what Kate is thinking! Practically everyone is in a dance! Everyone except Richelle.
"Oh I almost forgot! Richelle you will be our alternate." Kate says and we all look at Richelle.
"What?" I yell, it kind of slipped out.
"Richelle will be our alternate for internationals." Kate repeats.
"But, but she can't be!" I yell.
"Well she is so leave it at that Noah!" Kate says, slightly raising her voice.
"Now go and practice, I want to see these routines by the end of the day!" She says, trotting back to her office.

Richelle looks at the floor and then back up. Then, she runs out of studio A.
"Richelle wait!" I yell after her but she doesn't stop.
"Noah! Come on, we have to rehearse!" Emily yells and I don't run after Richelle.
Believe me I wanted to, but, you don't want an angry Emily after you!

Once we've rehearsed and everyone is back in studio A, Kate starts to pick on us to perform. But what I do notice is that Richelle isn't here. This is odd, she loves to watch people dance. I think Kate notices as well because she ask, "Noah could you get Richelle please?"
"Of course." I say and rush out of studio A.

"Richelle? Richelle? Richelle where are you?" I shout as I run from room to room looking for her.
As I get closer to the music room, I hear music playing. Wait, is Richelle in there? I slowly walk into the entrance to the room and sure enough, there she is, dancing her heart out. It's been a while since I've seen Richelle dance like this. She has so much power and anger in it, especially her song choice- Elastic Heart.

Suddenly I have an idea. I run back to studio A and basically drag Kate out of there.
"Noah! What are you doing?" She yells.
"Shh! Just come with me!" I whisper.
"Fine, but this had better be good." She says back.

I take her to the music room- where Richelle is.
"Just watch her, please." I whisper to Kate and point at Richelle.
Kate nods in agreement and we both stand there, watching Richelle dance. You know if you just take the time to get to know someone, you can really see their talents. When Richelle dances, nothing can stop her. I really hole that Kate can see how amazing she is and that she doesn't deserve to be an alternate.

When she finishes, me and Kate both clap which makes Richelle jump in shock. She turns around snd looks at Kate with fear in her eyes.
"Richelle it's ok, your solo was incredible." I say reassuring her.
"Thanks." She replies quietly and walks towards us.
"Richelle your solo was great." Kate says and gives her a smile.
"Really?" Richelle asks quietly, biting her bottom lip.
"Yes! Why do you look so scared?" Kate asks, looking confused.
"Richelle I think we should tell her. We have to tell someone and Kate can help you!" I say and put my hand on her shoulder.
"Help you what?" Kate asks, still looking confused.
"Tell her, please." Richelle says quietly, hugging me.

I gently press her head against my chest and rub her back.
"Kate, have you noticed that Richelle has been very quiet recently?" I ask, not letting go of Richelle.
"Actually, now that I think about it, yes." Kate replies, looking worried.
"And that I'm kind of protective over her?" I ask, scratching the back of my head as I remember what I did to James.
"A bit?" Kate scoffs.
"Ok, a lot but it's for a good reason! Get ready for a story. When mine and Richelle's parents FORCED us to go to Elite, Lucien seemed to hate us. I don't even know how we got in because he disliked us so much just because we came from The Next Step! He'd always tell us off and shout at us for absolutely no reason. I didn't care, his words didn't affect me, they affected Richelle. And when Richelle lost her first solo competition, Lucien started hitting her and calling her names. I had to stop him before he broke one of her bones! Then Tess and Chantel started calling her names, overall she was being bullied by everyone. Every day when we'd walk home together, Richelle would cry because of them! I haven't seen her smile in months! I was the only one who would look out for her and that's why I'm so protective over her. That's why I hit James..." I say and Kate looks like she's about to cry.

Richelle lets go of me and looks at Kate.
"Oh Richelle come here!" Kate says and pulls her into a hug.
"You too Noah!" She says and we both hug her.
"I'm so sorry! I had no idea!" Kate says, now with small tears dripping down her face.
"It's ok, we wanted to come back here so badly. Now that we have, it feels just like Elite." I say as we let go.
"I don't want it to be! I'm sorry about this morning, I understand now. You two are so brave!" Kate says.
"I promise you that that isn't going to happen here! You're going to be ok here. And Richelle, I'm so impressed with your solo that I think you and Michelle should battle for the solo." She says with a smile.

Then something happens that I didn't think I was going to see. Richelle smiles!
"Thank you! Thank you! I won't let you down!" Richelle squeals and hugs Kate.
"Richelle." I say with a smirk.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"You smiled." I say and she smiles again, then hugs me!

I'm so glad we told Kate, I'm pretty sure Richelle's life just got better.

Lol, this was longer then expected.

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