❀ Part 10

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|Jungkook's POV|

From above, instead of fiery lit skies, dark gloomy clouds took over signifying it will rain anytime soon. Moreover, we stopped in a clearing in the middle of the forest and in front of me is the girl whom I hurt yet ironically saved me. Ellie panted out of exhaustion from running with her hands resting on her knees.

"Why...why are doing this Ellie? I'm not a human and you should hate me!" I knew this day would come and like any other humans, she would normally feel fear and resent towards us.

"Just tell me and be honest to me this time, do you really have feelings for me?" She asked and faced me with a stern face. "I don't care if you're a half witch or whatever non-human being you are! I like you Jungkook and I love you just the way you are nothing more! All the time we spent together, I realized how happy I was and I feel incomplete without your presence," She paused again and neared towards to me. "Yes at first, when you lied I did hated you but my heart doesn't want me to believe it and still wants to yearn for you. So, what I really want to say is—"

Without knowing, my body moved on its own and cut her off by resting my hands around her neck and crashed my lips to hers. She was startled at first, eventually, she returned her plum soft lips to mine as our lips moved in unison. We deepened the kiss more when the clouds poured light rain to us. Afterwards, I felt tingly on my hand and something easily slipped off my index finger. We slowly parted our lips and I immediately raised my hand in front of me; seeing the ring was completely gone which made my eyes widened in shock. 

"I thought we lost you but you were just here hiding with your lovely dear," The voice that interrupted us came from one of my older brothers, Namjoon, there also the rest of my brothers as well with him. "Let's see if she can survive this." He smirked and raised his hand, summoning a lightning from the dark clouds and then it went towards us in a quick flash. I instantly pulled Ellie into a hug with my back facing them knowing I could at least try to protect and shield her from the attack. However, to my surprise, a guy with an orange hair deflected the lightning in front of us. The rain halted leaving all of us dampened and the heavy tension intensified between the two groups.

"Jimin? What are yo—The ring? Why are you wearing it? What's the meaning of this?" Jin exclaimed to his surprise and fury.

Jimin chuckled darkly to my older brothers' appalled faces. "Simple. I found the greatest spell that could free him from the misery brought by our mother, a kiss with true love." 

"So you're the one who let them escape and betraying behind our backs. Were you scheming to steal the ring from the start and use it for your own desire? Mother will be furious about this!" Hoseok sourly reminded him.

"Sorry my brothers but no, I just don't want my precious youngest brother to be involved of our mother's antics and also see the true nature of witches." Jimin asserted.

The palest one, Yoongi, scoffed at him. "Look at yourself, aren't you a witch too? When did you become soft? Wait let me guess, is it because of that poor human gir—" Yoongi stopped suddenly as he gritted in pain and placed his hand on his chest. Confounded, my eyes landed to Jimin and noticed his eyes glaring at him piercingly like anger gushed out of him. 

"If you don't shut your mouth I will really reverse the flow of the blood in your heart and you won't make it alive," Yoongi coughed hard afterwards when Jimin released him from his unknown magic. "Now the ring is gone from Jungkook's finger, you won't be able to find him and bother his life anymore. He will live in peace with the humans so if you ever try to hurt them you will have to go pass me first," Jimin turned around and checked us out for any sign of injury. 

He then looked back coldly to my witch brothers and said, "Also, tell mother that this ring will be kept by me and never will be returned to her hands ever." 

|Ellie's POV|

"Jimin, what will you do with the ring?" Jungkook queried. It is now morning and we are currently staying to my grandma's house inside the living room. Apparently, my father is out for business again since last night which is a good thing because I'm not in the mood to see him right now. Hence, my grandma warmly welcomed us instead to stay and rest. She served our breakfast right away of milk and delicate pastries and she placed it on the table.

"I don't know but it must not fall to our mother's hands. This ring contains destructive powers that could kill any living creatures in this world, even the most powerful witches."Jimin gently stroked the silver ring on his palm and continued, "Luckily, I'm no ordinary witch which is why I can handle its power unlike our brothers."

"What do you mean?" The half-witch asked while I took a drink to my milk and quietly listening to their conversation.

"Like I said, only special witches could wear and use this ring. However, it's still dangerous to use it when it reaches your limit to the point of killing yourself too."

Jungkook wrinkled his forehead, displaying a troubled look on his face. "Then how come I wore that ring when I'm just half?"

"Another reason why I want you to be free from them it's because you are chosen to take over the throne to be the next king in our world. The last king was 300 years ago since the war defeated him and so, the three powerful families took control. Mother wanted you to wear that ring as a legacy and give you an immense power. This means you're already a special kind of half-witch. So, I'm sure mother will just use you to overrule and abuse your power for her personal gain." Jimin explained thoroughly. Both of us were left open mouthed in shock and astounded at the same time. 

"Where did you all learn that?

"Just years of eavesdropping and do research in the library while skipping my tutor's art of death lesson," He shrugged and showed his killer eye-smile again. He took a sip on the cup of milk and stood up. "Anyways, rest assured Kookie and Ellie because my butterflies will protect and watch over you from the witches. They can't come near nor harm you when I have the ring."

He was about to leave when something clicked on my mind. "Wait! If I may ask, one of your brothers almost mentioned about a human girl. What happened?"

He stopped on the halfway of the door and looked at me with a faint smile. I could sense behind his smile of a horrible memory and anguish for someone precious to him. "It's best not to talk about the past, Ellie."

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked in concern.

Jimin pondered for a moment but told him eventually. "Find the true owner of this ring." 


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