Oh You Got Trouble

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"Oh, you got trouble." (Oh, we got trouble.)
"Right here in River City." (Right here in River City.)
"That game with the fifth teen numbered balls is the devil's tool." (Devil's tool.)
"Oh, yes you've got trouble, trouble, trouble." (Oh yes we're in trouble here. We're in big, big trouble.)
"With a capital T." (With a capital T.)
"That rhymes with P." (That rhymes with P.)
"That stands for-"
"Stop!" The piano stops abruptly before the chorus can even start. Mr. Martin stopped the pianist with a thinking expression. Everyone was nervous to hear his response. He took a deep breath in. "We need to add more levels in the dancing. Marian, enter from stage left on 'trouble, trouble, trouble.'"
"Okay." I write down 'enter stage left' in my script.

Mr. Martin was helping making more choreography for the chorus. I'm off to the side waiting for my Que. Danny runs off backstage to grab his water bottle.
"Having fun?"
"Well, if you mean dancing and singing with a need to use the bathroom really bad, then yes." He was overly cheerful.
"You have too much energy right now. Go to the bathroom and cool off."
"I've been trying to ask for the past hour."
"Why didn't you go at break?"
"I didn't have to go then."
"Just ask to go."
"I don't want to interrupt."
"Danny, if you don't ask Mr. Martin, I will ask for you." His face went into a panic.
"Okay! I'll ask, you don't need to go that drastic. I only need to use the bathroom." He meekly asked to go to the bathroom then ran. Then went back to practicing. During a five minute break he ran to me. "Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm walking you home."
"Wait what about your parents?"
"They're working late shifts so I have to walk home anyway. Might as well walk you home too."
"Okay." I shrugged my shoulders. His face is really red. Probably from all the dancing and singing.

He's acting stranger than usual. He ran back and sat down next to me. Practice was over for the day.
"You okay?" His face was red still.
"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He scratched the back of his neck.
"You sure? Your face is really red."
"Is it?" He put his hand on his check.

I put my hand on his forehead. It was really warm.
"Danny, you're burning up. Are you sick?"
"N-No." His voice keeps stuttering and his face grows more red.
"Danny, you need rest."

He gets up and starts walking.
"Jean, I'm fine." He almost fell over, but I caught him.
"Danny! Look at me!" I looked at his green eyes. "You're eyes aren't dilated, that's good. But your head is still burning."
"I'm fine."
"Danny, you have a fever. You can't walk home in this condition. I'll be walking you home."
"No objections! I'm walking you home and that's final." He sighed.
"Fine. I can never win against you, can I?" He gave a meek smile. I'm not sure what he means by that, but now isn't the time to ask him. I let him lean on me as we walked outside. It's kinda cold out.

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