"Go piss off your boyfriend," Minho replied, "I don't need this irritation in my life."

"Glady," I said, "but first, I have a job to do. You hadn't forgotten, have you? Dementia already creeping up on you?"

Minho muttered several profanities under his breath as he pulled out some paper and a pencil. "Get back to work," he ordered.


Newt and I were laying out under our tree in the deadheads. The sun was setting above us, covering the sky in beautiful orange and pink colours. I was sitting between his legs, my back resting against his chest. I could feel his slow and steady heartbeat under my head, and I knew that it was close to sending me to sleep.

My conversation with Thomas crept back into my head and I took a deep breath. I trusted Thomas, which seemed to be quiet a weird concept because I knew that we had been friends before the Maze, but I knew nearly nothing and don't even really remember much about him besides some odd appearances in my dreams. Nevertheless, I knew I had to listen to Thomas. I had to tell him. "Newt?" I mumbled.

"Yes, Princess?" His voice was soft. He reached up and stroked my hair gently.

"I need to tell you something," I sat up and spun around so I could look at him. His eyes searched mine. But I couldn't keep the eye contact, I closed mine and took another deep breath. "It's about Tony," I started, but before I could continue Newt cut me off.

"Did he touch you? I'm going to bloody rip his head off!" Newt's hands balled into fists.

"No, he hasn't," I reached out and grabbed both of Newt's hands in mine. He relaxed slightly, "I just don't feel safe around him. I don't feel safe in a place I'm supposed to call my home." I thought about the other Maze. And I wondered for a brief second what it would have been like to have been sent to one of all girls. I wanted to tell Newt that we weren't the only Maze, but I couldn't.

"I'll have him banished," Newt said. The soft voice was now gone. And it almost scared me. Newt sounded so sure that it frightened me to think that he would banish someone just because I felt uncomfortable around him.

"No, you can't. He hasn't done anything wrong," I shook my head at him.

"I don't know what I would do if something happened to you. Especially if it was something so preventable as this," I leaned toward Newt and hugged him. His arms wrapped around me tightly.

"I know," I whispered, kissing him sweetly before leaning into his neck, "but I could never let someone is sentenced to death without actually committing a crime. 

"Anything for you, Princess," he mumbled and buried his face in my hair.

"There is something else," I sighed.

Newt pulled back and held me at arm's length, "what is it?"

"Well, you know the plaques that are in the maze? World In Catastrophe: Killzone Experiment Department?" He nodded, "well, the acronym for it is WICKED. They are who put us here and," I sucked in some air, "I used to work for them. I watched you here in the maze before I was sent up. I was one of the shucking post children for it," tears began to sting my eyes and I furiously tried to blink them away. Newt opened his mouth several times but closed it every time. The gears were turning behind his eyes, I could tell that much, but I had no idea what he could be thinking. He could hate me for all I knew, but I couldn't keep it a secret for any longer. "I'm not a good person. I totally get it if you don't want to be with me anymore," I looked away from him. The tears broke through and were now carving their way down my cheeks.

Newt's index finger lifted my chin up. "None of us remember anything from before the Maze. The people we were then are not who we are now. Bloody hell, I could have been one of the sadistic people who wiped all our memories," he said, "you are an amazing person, Raven." He reached up and wiped the tears from under my eyes.

I shook my head, "you had nothing to do with it. But I'm probably part of the reason you are all here."

"Listen, I would much rather be here with you than somewhere else without you," Newt leaned in and pecked me on the lips, "Raven?"

"Yeah?" I looked up at him. His lips resembled somewhat of a frown. And I began to worry. I had done something wrong, hadn't I?

"I love you," he whispered, averting his eyes from my gaze so quickly that I hadn't even had time to register what he had said by the time his eyes were glued to the stars above us.

My eyes widened and my heartbeat quickened. Did he say what I thought he did? He actually loved me? A smile spread across my face, and I knew at that moment that my heart belonged to the blonde haired, funny accented, limp ridden boy in front of me. "Newt?" He finally brought his eyes back down to mine and the soft brown of them began to pull me in. "I love you too."  


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