Breaking and Entering

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Breaking and Entering


When I wake up I am laying on my back but my head is resting on Trevor's chest. His arm is holding me close and I can feel the steady beat of his heart. I look up at his sleeping face and I see his eyelashes flutter. His body shifts a little and his eye peak open.

Trevor looks down at me and gives me a sleepy smile. He moves his hand along my back and pulls me closer. I rest my chin on his chest and I smile up at him. Trevor still has his eyes closed but a smile is playing on his lips. I notice he is playing with his lip ring. He does that a lot, I just never really noticed before.

When he sketches and he is in deep conversation I see the hoop go in between his teeth. It's on the side of his lower lip and his hands mess with it a lot.

Even when he is thinking. He absentmindedly plays with it. It's kinda cute. When he kisses me I always love playing with it in between my lips.

"Good morning." I whisper.

"Morning." He whispers. God, I love his morning voice. He pulls me up onto his chest and I let out a little shriek. He kisses my forehead and I lay my head on his shoulder.

We stay like this for a while and the two of us fall back asleep. I wake up at 12:30 and roll off of him because I'm starving.

I walk downstairs for some food. Jase is probably at work. Oh goodie, a day all to myself and Trevor.

A lightbulb goes off in my head and I remember what I have to do today.

I run upstairs and quietly open the door. I grab some clothes and shoes and go to the bathroom to change.

After I'm clothed I throw my hood up and head for the trees. The same trees that I had ridden my back through to get to Jase's house countless times.

It's a chilly day so I'm thankful for my coat. I get to the edge of the trees and look at my old house. I see my dad's car isn't there.

Should I do this? Or not? I don't think I'll get caught-

"AHHHH!" I scream. There's a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Trevor there.

"What the hell!" I pick a stick from the ground and beat him with it.

"Ow! Stop it! Ow! Ow! "He takes the stick from my hand and throws it behind him.

"Did you follow me?!" I shout.

"Yes. You didn't say where you were going and you looked so James Bond, so I wanted to know what's up. And you walked into the creepy woods." He says and leans against the tree. Why is he leaning against the tree and getting all comfortable?! This isn't a Sunday stroll through the park.

I punch his arm.

"That all ya got?" He smirks.

I roll my eyes and turn away from him. I zip up and my jacket and run to the back of my dad's house.

"Where are you going?" He shouts. I whip around so fast and "shhh" him.

He holds up his hands and follows me.

"What are we doing?" He whispers.

"I am getting something from my house. " I look all around me for snooping neighbors.

"Then use the front door." I am tip toeing and crouching down, channeling my inner spy and the idiot next to me is being loud.

"Yeah. Can't do that. "

"Why not?" He asks.

"Cuz I'm not exactly welcomed here." I admit. I'm waiting for the lecture.


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