Fluent in Tex-Mex

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Fluent in Tex-Mex.


"Nova! Nova! Get up! Nova!" Little children are jumping on my bed and I'm exhausted, would it be so cruel to push them on the floor?

"What!" I sit up. My hair is all messy and in my face and my shirt is crooked.

"Will you take us to school? Please?" All five children are laying on me, all batting their eyelashes.

"What time is it?" I yawn.

"9 o'clock." Ben says.

"Uh!" I throw my head back. "Fine!" They all laugh and run out of the room.

I get dressed and throw my hair in a pony tail. Walking down the stairs I smell breakfast and I walk a little quicker.

"Morning." I yawn.

"Good morning." The group of 10 says. The grandma frowns at Trevor and she starts yelling at him. He laughs then speaks right back at her, in Hindu!

"How many languages can you speak?" I ask him bewildered.

"I don't know. You learn one you can pick up more." He smiles an continues to talk to Nani.

"All I speak is Tex-Mex." I mumble to myself.

"Ok kids go you'll be late!" Lucia says handing them their lunches.

"Come on, Nova!" Sabita calls as she walks out the door. I stuff a piece of bread in my mouth and follow them.

"Wait up!" Trevor yells.

"What?" Trevor catches up.

"I have somewhere to show you after this. " He smiles.

We dropped off the kids at their school and they all hugged me.

"Be good!" I yelled. They all waved at me!

"You be good!" Ruma says then giggles, feisty for a 6 year old.

"Come on." Trevor tugs on my arm.

We take a taxi along a dirt road into the mountains. When we walk through the woods I look all around me. The trees are covered with pink flowers and smell amazing. We finally make it to a water fall.

"This is beautiful." I gasp.

"Lets go for a swim." He smirks.

"What? I don't have a suit." I shake my head.

"Go in your bra and underwear, that's if you're wearing any." He winks.

"You perv." I punch him and he just laughs.

"Come on. It's hot and it's said these waters have healing powers. " He takes his shoes, shorts and shirt, leaving him in only his boxers. He jumps in. The water gets my feet wet and it feels great.

Oh what the hell. I take my clothes off and jump in before I can feel subconscious and he turns around.

"I think you just wanted to see me in my underwear. "All he does is wink.

I push him under water and hold him there. The he starts tickling me and I let go, swimming under the waterfall.

I close my eyes and lets the fresh water fall on my face.

The water is so clear you can see right through it. I'm so calm that I don't even notice until its too late that Trevor grab my waist and throws me. I go under water and when I come up my hair is all on my face. I push the hair away from my face and swim after him. We horse around in the water until we become prunes. We get out of the water and sit in the sun to dry off. He hands me a towel from his backpack which I gratefully accept.

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